Ah okay mate! Bit odd and it’s a shame when I definitely put everyone away properly must’ve been where it went into impound instead of going out (unknown) something must’ve occurred
thanks for getting back to me and taking a look into it 🙂
For more clarification I got it out of Insurance impound after it was impounded instead of out(unknown) at around 9pm 13/11/23 and then parked it at the ranger station after in due course after checking my crates were all still there at that time.
The Head popping to impound happened in such a...
Steam ID: 76561198371444543
Character ID: 96388
When did this happen: 11/14/23
Summary: Logged in, took out my car to my inventory empty
Full Description:
I parked my car, to fly out yesterday around 9pm at the ranger station, Ive flown in now, and my cars inventory is completely empty, i...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: James Harrington
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198371444543
Character ID: 96388
The date when this happened: 07/25/23
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was in casino and sat down placed a bet of 100k and it took the chips but didnt play the hand...