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  1. SteveStacy

    Compensation Request - SteveStacy - GTA RP

    hello hank not sure why the quality is so shit in the clip it was 100% for 66 bags of rubbish though. I believe the price was 439,613 again i know the image quality is shit so its hard to tell
  2. SteveStacy

    Compensation Request - SteveStacy - GTA RP

    Character Name: steve stacy Character ID: 223 Steam ID: 76561199086682629 Game: GTA RP Date: Jun 1, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: dave and gus got banned half way through our job so we couldn't empty the truck, 1a3 said put a comp in. Link(s) To Any Evidence...
  3. SteveStacy

    Vehicle Dealerships selling by Brand not by Category

    yeah i think some dealership cars should be shifted around
  4. SteveStacy

    lost is a job?

    lost is a job?
  5. SteveStacy

    General boss

    +1 always class when general's involved top tier trainee too
  6. SteveStacy

    comp galore [IMG]

    comp galore
  7. SteveStacy

    Compensation Request - SteveStacy - GTA RP

    Character Name: steve stacy Character ID: 209 Steam ID: 76561199086682629 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: We had been doing the rubbish job for around an hour and decided to go back to complete the job and get the money from it but when i tried to "empty" the truck...
  8. SteveStacy


    Corr that rule channel is a great idea
  9. SteveStacy


  10. SteveStacy

    how can i play ??

    join the server
  11. SteveStacy

    Avion Setup

    Is that an Xbox controller 🤢
  12. SteveStacy

    bro joined on wednesday and donated 600 quid am i seeing things right

    bro joined on wednesday and donated 600 quid am i seeing things right
  13. SteveStacy


  14. SteveStacy

    Make all helmets/head wear persistent in vehicles

    +1, keep me cowboy hat on
  15. SteveStacy


  16. SteveStacy

    Banks and The Mandem

  17. SteveStacy


  18. SteveStacy

    its not looking good brev

    its not looking good brev
  19. SteveStacy

    "I have a pregnant fiance in city that's going to be distraught if I'm unsuccessful with my...

    "I have a pregnant fiance in city that's going to be distraught if I'm unsuccessful with my appeal, as will I be" 😂😂
  20. SteveStacy

    Viva Lang & Diaz

    Viva Lang & Diaz