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  1. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Chewis mannoly Steam ID: 76661199486066064 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16738 Ban Reason: UNK Why do you think you were banned: I believe it to be due to poor level of Roleplay, increased level of frag mentality and the group I was linked to at the time of my...
  2. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Chewis mannoly Steam ID: 76661199486066064 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16738 Ban Reason: Unk Why do you think you were banned: I was banned due to my lack of roleplay and increased shooting mentality Why should we unban you: Firstly I’d like to thank the staff...
  3. Chewis

    Discord access

    Am I able to be allowed back on the discord or does this come under the unban appeal ?
  4. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: chewis mannoly Steam ID: 76661199486066064 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16738 Ban Reason: I believe it to be a consistent poor level of roleplay and developing a frag mentality Why do you think you were banned: As previously mentioned above, I have reason to...
  5. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Chewis mannolly Steam ID: 76661199486066064 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16738 Ban Reason: UNK Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for my decrease in roleplay and my increase of shootout mentality Why should we unban you: Hello, Hope your well...
  6. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Chewis mannoly Steam ID: 76661199486066064 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16738 Ban Reason: Unknown Why do you think you were banned: For being a member of alliance Why should we unban you: I think I should be unbanned due to me not breaking any rules and just...
  7. Chewis

    Prison sentences/ bans

    Yes I understand the confusion but I think rather than a first ban for 24hr this could be  a jail sentence that is the same time but rather than not playing for a day . you actually have to be on the server to work your time off, people that actually want to be on the server will do so and the...
  8. Chewis

    Prison sentences/ bans

    I think depending on the rules broken rather than banning someone if you report it. staff should be able to act as cctv in the area and tip of police for example vdm everyone hates this but I feel they’ll learn there lesson more but sticking them in the cells for a very long period of time that...
  9. Chewis

    Gun style

    I think you should be able to change the way your hold your guns just like you can change your walking styles for instance pistols you should be able to hold it with one hand as I think sometimes it may give a more realistic experience 
  10. Chewis

    Report a player - bmav - GTA RP

    That was my mistake i forgot in the moment that i had been kicked due to being banned i can confirm that i am not vagos hence why i dident have the freq even if i was Vagos that wouldve been RDM anyways
  11. Chewis

    Report a player - bmav - GTA RP

    I dont see how anything Vagos has been doing has something to do with you just pulling up and shooting me out of nowhere. I dident even see you before I was dead. im going to leave this up to staff for now since im not in the gang no more also the reason i changed to a blacked out outfit since...
  12. Chewis

    Report a player - bmav - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: chewis mannoly Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: bmav Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 10/05/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1700 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please (in...
  13. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Hi danoo, yes jumping the bush at the time I didn’t see anything wrong with until I’ve looked back and reflected on my actions, my thought process was that because it’s only a small hedge it would be possible to do it in irl but this is not how the jump went! i want you to be able to trust me...
  14. Chewis

    ATM robbery’s

    I think it would be cool if there was a way to get rope and be able to back your car up to an atm and connect the rope to both the car and an atm. Once connected you’d need to repeatedly use your car to tug it out the wall giving enough time for the police to respond, once the atm had be removed...
  15. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Morning, it would ruin peoples role play because it was and unrealistic jump , jumping roofs like this would never happen in real life therefore it should happen here, it was unfair as they would never be able to follow. I thought that because my bike was smoking if I could get over the hedge...
  16. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Dan hancok  In-game Name: Chewis mannoly Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199486066064 Ban ID: !!rpuk14302!! Reason given for your ban: C1.8 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for fail driving in a police chase Why should we unban you...
  17. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Dan hancok  In-game Name: chewis mannoly Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199486066064 Ban ID: !!rpuk14302!! Reason given for your ban: c1.8 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for fail driving Why should we unban you ?: the jumping of...
  18. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    Okay sorry, I struggle with writing things out, I am a talker instead. I have taken some time to put this together and have put a lot of effort into this which is hard for me because of my disability and I really hope it helps you understand why I want to come back. I have made some really good...
  19. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    I plan to hang about with vargos and follow there rules while trying to save some money to get my self a nice car and a better house 
  20. Chewis

    Unban Appeal - Dan hancok - GTA RP

    I’ve been off for over a month now and have really noticed how much I’ve missed the server I wouldn’t want to go though this again as I’ve made lots of friends! The only way to show that I’m not lying is to prove it to you as I know that the past me hasn’t given the best impression of me  Over...