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  1. JordanDMK

    Compensation Request - JordanDMK - GTA RP

    My understanding is the weapon currently in my inventory cannot be repaired. It doesn't appear like other broken weapons.
  2. JordanDMK

    Compensation Request - JordanDMK - GTA RP

    Character Name: Jim Daniels Character ID: 88030 Steam ID: 76561198033002783 Game: GTA RP Date: May 30, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Found a broken ceramic pistol in a bin Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://i.gyazo.com/e203bb43048e551c7e93a3551a63a828.png Lost Items & Total Value Of...
  3. JordanDMK

    Does Helmet Armour have a place on RPUK?

    Thats fine but why is there more CTSFO's than there are actual police? The server is ruled by firearms.
  4. JordanDMK

    Does Helmet Armour have a place on RPUK?

    Title is pretty self explanatory. Okay Helmet Armour if anything should be extremely rare. But: Should it really be able to absorb 6-7 bullets from smg's or bullets with ease? Should it really have a hitbox over the whole head when the face is completely exposed? My agruement stands for crims...
  5. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    I like your suggestion but after talking to developers this is extremely complicated and time consuming. Regarding your last paragraph the answer is no and this AGAIN isnt about 1 scenario or occult vs police. Without getting into too much detail and bringing science with heat thermals and...
  6. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    Seems silly to me reviewing all the obvious stated that npas still have a tool that sees into the tunnels and relys on a users discretion to not abuse the exploit. But you do you chief.... Don't be defensive over a suggestion if you haven't any critism or useful suggestion to make. You have...
  7. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    Respectfully again. This is not about 1 scenario or occult vs police. There are numerous occasions where npas thermals have been used and I can't unfortunately dictate if they were used correctly or incorrectly. My debate stands at the fact a tool that can be so easily exploited is being used...
  8. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    Considering the passive aggressive with this comment I'll match your vibe. How about if you want to truly do it right you spot the cars before you spot the thermals from miles away? This is the problem I am having. You have to find ways to justify using the thermals in ridiculous impossible...
  9. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    That wouldn't fix much. Thermals has the ability to see everyone everywhere. 30 seconds of use would cause a hell of a lot more confusion for the operator if its usable information or not (if the information obtained was through a wall or not) ultimately leading to a lot more rule breaks because...
  10. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    The post is not a back and forth of occult perspective but rather criminal perspective in the balancing of unfair circumstances if a unrealistic thermal camera under the use of "discretion" How about I get the permissions to kick players off the server but use it with "discretion" (extreme...
  11. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    Your curiosity aroused from the use of thermals which is the problem. Not because of the location or any information. That sort of tool should not be down to the discretion of the user. It is unfair and bias in so many ways.
  12. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    Isn't that a prime example of what I just said? You've used thermals. Spotted something you don't know if it is allowed or not. Your curiosity made you go closer and expose the situation. It shouldn't be a question of was I allowed to use it or not. In my opinion that would be like exploiting...
  13. JordanDMK

    NPAS Thermals

    It is fairly well known that the thermal camera on NPAS is a extreme asset that the police can use. But from recent experiences and understanding it is far too powerful and shouldn't be allowed under the "discretion of the office using it correctly". For those who don't know thermal cameras...
  14. JordanDMK

    Council Tax

    I like the idea but majority bills can all be done by your phone. Why not make an app to pay your bills?
  15. JordanDMK

    Using turf to avoid police encounters.

    Truth is everybody speeds through town unless they see the cop before hand. Realisitcly aswell I'd rather run than get points on my license or car. Points do more damage than losing a gun in my opinion.
  16. JordanDMK

    Member Cap Whitelisted vs Un-Whitelisted.

    It has become obvious since the gang rules update that some individuals will choose to be part of a "Un-Whitelisted" group to evade certain rules. This suggestion is to help push out the individuals who favour shooting over RP. This does not mean that shooting isn't a form of rp but the quality...
  17. JordanDMK

    Using turf to avoid police encounters.

    Police have every possible tool at their fingertips yet you limit the rp to a pursuit. From the moment of a stop or chase you are able to identify and know exactly what you're getting yourself into from that moment now in a real life situation you should be making very quick risk assessments. I...
  18. JordanDMK

    The Occult

    Chapter 18 - Blackout After being asked to be involved in a mission alongside some other groups The Occult kindly accepted. The operation goal was a complete shutdown of all police equipment and locations. The Occult’s goal was to burn down all of the police stations to disrupt any arresting...
  19. JordanDMK

    Remove Local Cars in Paleto Bay Parking

    +1 This carpark also only allows for 3 cars to be pulled out at a time even with the local cars not there.