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  1. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    This will NEVER happen again, I have changed my computer password as well as had verbal talks with both him and his dad that’s he’s not of age to be playing this game as well as to be using my things without consent. He has acknowledged he made a mistake and apologised and told me this will...
  2. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    My long term goals are to create more relationships within the game as well as progress my character, iv put a lot of work to get to where I am in the game and intend to carry on. I want to meet new people engage with different groups and characters within the game and get more of an...
  3. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    I plan to pick up where I left off being a taxi driver as my full time job as well as selling occasional drugs I am apart of a gang but mostly I just look forward to socialising with people on the game and having a good time whilst of course obeying the rules set. I have a few friends on there...
  4. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    There is only one story. Nothing was ever said about a "shared account" I merley said he went onto my account whilst i was away traveling without my consent I never allowed him onto my account nor would i even if he asked as he is well below the required age. As I say I have changed my computer...
  5. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    I am 25 09\06\1998
  6. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    Hello, My borhter is 14 and learns very quick he is very capable of logging in and youtubing how to run it, also im not sure if he got my character banned or made a new one and got that banned, I also only play on the 1 server (RolePlayUK) so that would be the only server on the list of my...
  7. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    I have changed passwords on my PC so this wont happen again.
  8. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    My brother is 14 and no I did not I was in mexico at the time he went on so i had no control over his actions unfortunatley.
  9. WesolutionZ

    Unban Appeal - WesolutionZ - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Seth Jackson Steam ID: 76561198023103354 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16719 Ban Reason: PEGI Why do you think you were banned: My account was banned for being used by an Underage person (My Brother) Why should we unban you: It seems asthough my little brother...