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  1. Misty Day

    What a crazy week!!! Got enrolled at the ranger station which was an eye opener. Never had such...

    What a crazy week!!! Got enrolled at the ranger station which was an eye opener. Never had such a formal meeting. The uniforms aint too shabby either. Me and Merlin went out hunting for the first time and shot a few stags. Took me a while to get the hang of it but felt like I'd achieved...
  2. Misty Day


  3. Misty Day


    Me and my friends recently moved from Console to PC and although we have played GTA before, we had NO IDEA how to use a keyboard let alone figure out the controls in game. Luckily we are no strangers to RP but I must say, Chris from the Rangers station has made our experience so fun. Not only...
  4. Misty Day

    First day in the city......well, where do I start? Friend of Max left me a run around car at his...

    First day in the city......well, where do I start? Friend of Max left me a run around car at his gaff. I should be grateful but its a pile of junk. I would rather walk. I met up with Merlin after our long journey from the UK, Weather is a lot nicer here at least. I just hope I can remain T total...