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  1. Snow

    Ability to switch characters

    +1 I do have a potato PC and its a pain in the arse having to F8 and load back up! 🙂 
  2. Snow

    Changes to Help RP

  3. Snow

    Entering house broken

  4. Snow

    New foods/Drinks

    TBH having player run cafes and takeaways would be awesome!  EXAMPLE having to make the food yourself it also creates alot of RP opportunities 
  5. Snow

    Entering house broken

    Steam ID: 76561198219541783 Character ID: 97515 When did this happen: 01/04/24 Summary: Entering house broken Full Description: Whenever I enter the house, I fall through the floor and it often either A. makes me crash or B. makes my PC crash hard. Images / Video's Not able to because my...
  6. Snow

    Changes to Emergency Services For More Immersion!

    999 Mode Activated When the user activates their blue lights, It would be awesome to be able to hear from the MDT, 999 Mode Activated. Old Radio Sound Bring back the old radio sound!! 
  7. Snow

    Conrad Jones

    From Alex Snow-Sutton all the way to Layton Bloom youve brought nothing but tears to my eyes, i still remember the days meetings in your office with frenchy and scott!  +1 from me your a legend mate. 
  8. Snow

    Members of 'The Lost MC'.

    +1 For the RP, Lost MC never seem to fail keep it lads and lasses! 
  9. Snow

    Tokumei 匿名

    Still think this is bloody awesome!
  10. Snow

    Poppy Decal

    As Remembrance is around the corner I think it would be a good idea and a small thing to implement where we could have a poppy as a decal that people can wear. We do a service within city and I think it be good if we could all wear a poppy for it
  11. Snow

    Just Shoot Photography

  12. Snow

    Flywheels, previously Hayes Autos

    There's alot of pop up garages that provide basic RP and engagement but you guys have done some awesome stuff so far. Glad youve got Ingram Legal Group sorting you out 😉 Cant wait too see the progression in the future!! 
  13. Snow

    Ever wanted that username...

    I would very much like @alexor @Snow
  14. Snow

    Goodbye RPUK

    Sad to see you go! Good Luck on your future endeavours and dont be a stranger! 
  15. Snow


    I suffer really bad with nauseous and motion sickness so I cant use motion blur and when my eyes go fuzzy its honestly making me feel genuinely sick and its making the city unplayable
  16. Snow

    Limey's Juice and Smoothies Business application

    Such a good storyline, was glad to be apart of it throught AJ Snow and Alex Snow-Sutton keep it up vlad!! 
  17. Snow

    Stop Baldies Ruining RP

    Not a vent at all, but simply a suggestion to improve the RP for when people get dumped by baldies for zero reason
  18. Snow

    Make it so you can report car stolen from phone

    I dont try avoid roleplaying with Police at all, I actually quite enjoy it but alot of the officers want the chases etc, it literally just happened about 5 mins ago talking to a couple officers about my cars he sees a baldie do some stupid shit and said sorry gotta go and that was it. 
  19. Snow

    Make it so you can report car stolen from phone

    Time and time again peoples car gets stolen, and police are either too "busy" or cant be arsed dealing with you and its a real shitter because they run you up thousands in tickets and then police scrap your vehicle because you don't pay them or refuse to take them off 
  20. Snow

    Stop Baldies Ruining RP

    I was recently robbed twice by the same person and everytime they would just come over straight away, pull a knife ziptie you and just dump you ZERO RP Suggestion: Make it so you can call for NHS or Shout for Help whilst Zip-Tied, Its getting really boring, you have to go round in numbers or...