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  1. Kano

    The Lost & Occult vs The Coalition...

    GG all, Good stuff!
  2. Kano

    Lily is out

    Can't say how Sad I am to see you leave. Gonna miss the shenanigans with Lilly! Hopefully we'll see you back one day! ❤️
  3. Kano

    Job Clock-ins @ Paleto Town Hall

    Is it possible to get some clock-ins for say mechanics/taxi drivers/solicitors etc. Taxi drivers and mechanics who may own their own vehicles, who may live in Paleto could clock in here, and solicitors could do the same for whatever business they may be required for in Paleto Town Hall. On a...
  4. Kano

    If you are at beef / war with another gang, colours has to be on.

    Dunno about that., Tecas never had that issue over Christmas........👀 🎣
  5. Kano

    Shirts that work with open jackets.

    There T-shirts yeah, just no actual shirts, either they have no stomach or no sleeve.
  6. Kano

    Shirts that work with open jackets.

    Howdy again. This is probably more for us MC boys and the few people who wear open sleeveless jackets. Can we get variants added in the clothing shop that don't have the stomach ripped out or sleeves removed, somewhat annoying to have to put a vest on to cover the gaping stomach hole.:ROFLMAO...
  7. Kano

    Deploy able Toolboxes

    So this is a two phase suggestion, one with much less dev requirements but would be a nice QOL improvement. The second being a functionality change. I'd like the idea of having Toolboxes that you can carry and place down similarly to the medic bags. These don't necessarily need to have storage...
  8. Kano

    Dwayne Pebble

    I have alot of love for that man (no gay tings!) no one else on the server like him, not even close.  Never change Brother!
  9. Kano

    Billboards V1

    I approve of this message
  10. Kano

    Smoking Animation for Cigar

    Simply, a different animation for smoking a Cigar instead of just holding it in your mouth. Pros: Looks good, saves on jaw fatigue Cons: Bit of dev work looking or making animations and implementing.
  11. Kano

    Yosemite Rancher sounds electric

    Steam ID: 1034080328 Character ID: 78365 When did this happen: 11/04/23 Summary: Yosemite Rancher sounds electric Full Description: The Yosemite rancher has a normal start up sound, however idle running and driving sounds are almost silent, sound like electric vehicles. Images / Video's...
  12. Kano

    Classic Bodies

    This will be good to see, some old school drag races at Sandy airfield 
  13. Kano

    Import Replacements Suggestions / Vanilla Like Cars

    A few for the Lost/TFA bikes: https://gta5mod.net/gta-5-mods/vehicles/bikes/western-wintergreen-add-on-fivem-1-0/ -  HD Roadglide https://bikermods.com/products/demon-jammer-deluxe-replace-add-on-fivem-258k-poly - Dyna Enforcer/Raas...
  14. Kano

    Love update

    I also back this suggestion, can't wait for my hair to get pulled by @adaco
  15. Kano

    Helmet Armour Changes

    +1 My sentiments mimic those already posted. No Crims with Head armor and only for CTSFO's on operation (Not assisting general patrol) 
  16. Kano

    Report a player - 949 861 937 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kano Pener Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 949 861 937 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 06/28/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 100 What best describes this incident ?: RVDM Attempt...
  17. Kano

    Tokumei 匿名

    Sick video, love seeing this in city!
  18. Kano

    Electric scooters to replace Boris bikes

  19. Kano

    Smoothie making machines

    I'll be honest, I've not been in city for that long, since4 weeks or so possibly and this is my first suggestion at any sort of business idea. @BmavI'm not a member of any EMS nor do I plan to be and this suggestion certainly isnt at the behest of them either. The smoothies wouldn't be "dirt...
  20. Kano

    Smoothie making machines

    Brief Summary: Business creation which sets up snoothie vendors in Emergency Service staff locations. Detailed Suggestion: Id like to open a business which would essentially "provide" an automatic smoothie vending machine to EMS staff locations. This premise works similar to those fresh...