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  1. Matty Thomas

    Compensation Request - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Danny Thomas Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199233145655 Character ID: 106390 The date when this happened: 01/25/24 The time when this happened: Approx 02:00-03:00 Please provide full detail and evidence: Hello, THANKS FOR TAKING TIME TO READ MY REQUEST...
  2. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hi Jessie,   apologies for the inconvenience confused in this. Yes you’re correct. Thanks
  3. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hi @Jessie Bennett yeah I’m good hope you’re well too? I have 2 accounts one for my daughter for the games she plays and then one for mine, so could be I forgot to switch back on family view to my account before trying to get into Roleplay. thanks
  4. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hi Jessie, this belongs to me I go off another name on here. My real name is Danny.
  5. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Good evening @Jessie Bennett, is this what you're after?  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199233145655
  6. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hi Jessie, hope you’re well? I was bored I was just messing around going to the casino with it, which was wrong and childish. Like with the loitering and baiting people it’s not on. All I can say is it was a childish thought process. I can only apologise to other players and you admin staff...
  7. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hello Danoo, hope you're well? My plans so far are just for the one character and hopefully go far in this role. I would like to begin a new roleplay with MORGAN CHIESA He is a 22 year old hoping to join the police as it has always been an aspiration of his. He has many of the characteristics...
  8. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Thanks for the response.  I believe this was well over a year and a half so apologies if I don't remember fully. From what I remember I was interacting with the officers and being a nuisance running around the Police station, car park. Sorry if I'm a noob but could you explain "MRPD".  station...
  9. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Hello @Danoo, good thanks, hope you're well too. I appreciate you taking the time to have a look at my appeal. Apologies I'm not sure how I've done that but I put the wrong ban id. The correct is @@rpuk8653@@  Thank you Matty
  10. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Matty Thomas  In-game Name: Danny Cortezzi Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199233145655 Ban ID: !!rpuk8254!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2 G1.3 G6 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I loitered, created multiple accounts to get more money to use...
  11. Matty Thomas

    Unban Appeal - Matty Thomas - Malden Life

    Unban Appeal for Matty Thomas  In-game Name: Danny Cortezzi Server: GTA RP Steam ID: -- Ban ID: !!rpuk8254!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2 G1.3 G6 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I loitered, created multiple accounts to get more money to use in the casino...