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  1. Origins10

    My PHOTOS of The Occult's Bonfire Night (Sorry for the bad shaders)

    They look really good I love how I'm in one of them, and you got the back of my head perfectly 😂. Good job keep it up
  2. Origins10

    If the arm casts were changed, it could improve RP

    I was involved in some RP between the Rangers and Merryweather, and I was injured during a car explosion. I wanted to roleplay my injuries a bit and thought an arm cast would be a good idea. After everything was wrapped up with NHS leaving the situation, I went to the clothing shop to find a...
  3. Origins10

    No space in the Roleplay groups discord

    There needs to be a space between Roleplay and the UK in the Groups discord name. Just something I realized while going through the RPUK Discord servers. I posted it in the development public chat as a joke, but then Isak thought it was a good idea to put it in suggestions.
  4. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    thanks I really do appreciate the fast responses Absolutely, during my time being banned I have read over both the community rules and GTA RP rules numerous times. I have even gone through a couple with my friend so that I can understand any misconceptions from another point of view and avoid...
  5. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Thanks for getting back to me quickly, and I apologize for my delayed response I undеrstand now that logging out whilе downеd is against thе rulеs and is considеrеd combat logging. I have always taken "combat logging" as quitting while actively in combat, pursuit or genuinely in an active RP...
  6. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Origins10  In-game Name: Harvey Turner Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199096493751 Ban ID: !!rpuk14677!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Combat logging In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for combat logging, specifically for leaving...
  7. Origins10

    Compensation Request - Origins10 - GTA RP

    I was just in a Discord call with my friend and hadn't exchanged any keys or done anything before hand.
  8. Origins10

    Compensation Request - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Harvey turner Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199096493751 Character ID: 96155 The date when this happened: 08/27/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: I placed 50k on the blackjack table, but it glitched, made me change seats, and then suddenly kicked...
  9. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    You don't allow under 18s on the server because GTA5 is a 18+ game by PEGI regulations. It could also ruin the experience of other players on the server as the players would have to be careful on what they say incase their is someone who is underage on the server near them. People who are...
  10. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Yes, I do know the rules and have read the rules over and over during the period I was banned. I didn't mean to show any disrespect, I was just wondering if it would have been a possibility, since I interpreted the G3.5 rule as imprinting unknown and new memories onto a new character, whereas...
  11. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    I think a part of me would be devistated, as I have put alot of heart and soul into the character. But if there is truely nothing that can be done to get him back, then all I can do is start fresh. If you do decide to unban me and I can't get the character "Billy Clint" back, would it be...
  12. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    I understand my mistakes on that ticket. I was very impatient but I hope you can see that it was because I was very anxious about the accidental deletion of my character and could not think straight. I put so much time and effort into "Billy Clint" so when I didn't know whether or not if I lost...
  13. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Well to truly put it, there's nothing that I can say that will make you fully believe me. As I believe you don't take IDs as proof, this server runs completely on trust and that's all I can hope to ask for. Although I was 17 when I joined the server, I was 18 for a few months when I got banned...
  14. Origins10

    Unban Appeal - Origins10 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Origins10  In-game Name: Billy clint Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199096493751 Ban ID: !!Rpuck10995!! Reason given for your ban: PEGI In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to the fact I was caught lying about my date of birth in a...
  15. Origins10

    Report a player - 196 not sure on other guy - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Billy Clint Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 196 not sure on other guy Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/09/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 12 What best describes this incident ...
  16. Origins10

    Clothes, Hair and accessories - August!

    Looks like a great lot of accessories that would look amazing in game +1
  17. Origins10

    Mosley's Mechanics Improvements

    I think they should change the name and icon of Mosley's to something more fitting to put the business out there, and getting branded Moseley clothes and wardrobe would be grate to add  +1
  18. Origins10

    Melee Weapon manufacter

    I love the idea of making melee weapons it goes more purpose to the materials  +1
  19. Origins10

    Cars Cars Cars

  20. Origins10

    Legion lag

    Same thing happens to me, no clue 