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  1. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Malden Life

    I turned up and regardless of how he died i engaged in roleplay with him (conflict based gang dialogue) where i understand you may say lack there of, i apologies for my vagueness and should have dragged out the roleplay scenario and elaborated. As for the execution, i was not involved in the...
  2. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Malden Life

    Hello Stijn, Im sorry that you had to bring this to the forums and hope to clear this up between us. You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes It would be helpful not to lie and actually reach out to me about this before you bring this to the forums as you did...
  3. Toaster

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    Not really, im glad hes admitted to it but this language should not be used. Regardless of the scenario, nor should it be tolerated. Especially on a server that is with the times and supporting of the LGBTQ+ lately, which i respect greatly. Im glad it was me and not used on a minority sensitive...
  4. Toaster

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    In this current clip, no. My friend Kooki may have. I can contribute countless clips of voice matching him though, Like in this one it proves its him via the keytool and when i kill him in the top and bottom left. He has the same voice although this was a couple of hours before the incident. Let...
  5. Toaster

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    1. You know this is you. Doesn't matter if you remember this or not. 2. The clip does not require evidence of you, we can identify whether this is you or not externally in relation to the clip under an admins moderation. 3. I snipped the clip due to its blatency, if required the full five...
  6. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Altis Life

    "Also as a final message from me. It seems like this report of going round in circles and nothing new is being brought to the table. Due to this I will not longer reply to this report unless a member of the staff team requests me to do so" Agreed.
  7. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Altis Life

    Yet its invalid, due to the latency. And i just did awnser that, read carefully. "From my understanding Crimzon had made everyone aware and that he said to just leave it". He speaks for you as the leader of your group, once he told me he made everyone aware to just leave it, it was his...
  8. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Altis Life

    From my understanding Crimzon had made everyone aware and that he said to just leave it. Even from a group perspective.
  9. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Altis Life

    There was no mistake, you are just rambling on making poor accusations in order to make your invalid case, look valid. If I were to send a picture on discord like I did it would look like this (picture as follows) i wouldn't post it to then screenshot it in chat to then post it again.. where is...
  10. Toaster

    Report a player - Toaster - Altis Life

    Hello, I’m not sure why you’re reporting me considering it’s been 24 hours and a member/leader of your gang said that the situation is resolved. I know your gang doesn’t like me but you were aware this situation has been resolved so the only reason that you are making this report is most likely...
  11. Toaster

    Report a player - Dylan (Volatile) - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Toaster Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Dylan (Volatile) Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 06/08/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 134 What best describes this incident ?: Use of...