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  1. Display

    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Kenji Whitlock Steam ID: 76561199192771312 Ban ID (just the numbers): 13206 Ban Reason: C1.9 | PEGI Why do you think you were banned: I was banned when staff realised that I was 19 for 4 years in a row in my police application, upon further investigation...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hello @Mike, I'm able to join TS just tell me the time and I will be there as soon as possible.
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hey @Mike, hope your having a good day! I don’t have anything to add, as I said earlier as far as I can recall, any rule I have broken in the past, I’ve ether banned or warned for them. Thanks for your reply. Have a good day!
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hello @Mike Wolfie, its good to know you are doing well,  I don't think there is anything else you need to know. As discussed through the TeamSpeak chat, only thing I lied about is the application to the police. Furthermore, I don't think there is anything I have to share, as far as I can...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hello, yes I remember our agreement, I was in a TS call with Liam, Lunar and Sammy and I was told I could make an appeal today.
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Display  In-game Name: Kenji Whitlock Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199192771312 Ban ID: !!RPUK13206!! Reason given for your ban: C1.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I’ve been banned today for the reason C1.9, during my police applications...
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    Stop falling out vehicles when downed

    +1 I think it would be a good addition if when a player dies their car randomly turns left or right, because if you get shot your body would most likely be turning the wheel and crashing into a wall
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    Report a player - 363 - GTA RP

    I happy to redact this report. However, before this report is closed, you were at a disadvantage you, you had no weapon out and I did, I was incredibly close to you aswell, if you did have a weapon out then alright. Lastly this isnt a revenge report cause like I said, I lost nothing and...
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    Report a player - 363 - GTA RP

    Yes I would, if I had a gun to your head and you had a gun, you cant combat roll and shoot me, that would be NVL, and my character is know to be pantless 24/7, I robbed countless people and brought them to an acid pool where I chop up bodies, this isnt a revenge report since I lost nothing...
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    Report a player - 363 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Theodore Angelos Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 363 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 05/27/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1514 What best describes this incident ?: NVL Please (in...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hello @Mike Wolfieglad to see such a fast reply from you and sorry for my late reply, hope you doing well. First of all I do agree to that, and I recognise my mistakes I've made. Like Liam has said in the previous reply, I have recognised the slope I'm going down and I'm going to put a stop to...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hello @L1Lthanks for responding to my appeal.  I would change multiple thing if I could redo that scenario, for example, my approach to the police officer first and foremost, instead of saying to the officer “woah woah there’s no need for taser” instead I would’ve told the officer in a calm...
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    Logs of shared parking

    Brief Summary: Adding logs of shared parking between factions, gangs, and organisations that can be added to their own discord to see who is pulling out and putting back in what car and when. Detailed Suggestion: Honestly think this is just in general a good idea to keep a track of...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Hey Liam, thanks for taking your time and responding to my appeal. I'm going to be fully honest, I genially fucked up and I have realised this and there's nothing much more I can do than just apologise for the mistakes I've made during the time I've been on the server. So, I'm sorry. These...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Display  In-game Name: Kenji Whitlock Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199192771312 Ban ID: !!rpuk12599!! Reason given for your ban: RDM / Poor Roleplpay In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I've recently been banned for RDM/Poor Roleplay but...
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    All Time Top Criminals - To Date

    Think you need to add Granddaddy pretty sure he has every charge x2 on the PNC
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    Report a player - 1086 - GTA RP

    Hey Polo, after we had a talk about the situation in discord I thought we cleared things up but you you still decided to put a report which I'm disappointed to see. Let me reexplain my POV,  you came up to TireNutz trying to arrest someone with a gun and attempted to tazer him you then proceeded...
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    All Time Top Criminals - To Date

    Kenji Whitlock at top, absolute menace to society and will continue to be one.
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Combat logging is considered a rule break because it gives an unfair advantage to the person combat logging. Combat logging happens when a player disconnects from server during an RP scenario in order to avoid roleplaying. This breaks RPUK's rules. Combat logging disrupts the game's balance, as...
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    Unban Appeal - Display - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Display  In-game Name: Kenji Whitlock Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199192771312 Ban ID: 11770 Reason given for your ban: (C2.3) Combat logging In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to me combat logging while being active in the...