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  1. John 'JP' Paul

    Unban Appeal - John 'JP' Paul - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: John Paul Steam ID: 76561198876526812 Ban ID (just the numbers): 18973 Ban Reason: C2.1 Using any sort of modification that changes the functionality of your game is not permitted to be used while you are logged into our servers. This includes non-malicious...
  2. John 'JP' Paul

    Criminal Job Ideas

    Huge +1, change is needed for the criminals to be let loose and be criminals again! #makecrimsgreatagain
  3. John 'JP' Paul

    Suggestions And A Push To Fix City Issues

    +1 from me for all of your points, the lag from the city sometimes becomes unbearable but in other city’s I have 0 problems whatsoever. We also need more activities for criminals as criminal activity for drugs etc seemed to have disappeared, when I first joined I use to love getting into a...
  4. John 'JP' Paul

