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  1. Tom McColson

    well everything runs its course

    still cant read but cya
  2. Tom McColson

    Tom McMason

  3. Tom McColson

    Tom McMason

    yes yes i do
  4. Tom McColson

    Tom McMason

    yes fight for the Tom Mc name
  5. Tom McColson

    Tom McMason

    gonna have to change ur name
  6. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Unknown - Altis Life

    in regard to rule 2.5, for the majority of the clip I'm in comms with people not even on the server so I'm not sure that affects much, i later join with people on the server but all i really said was guess what another taru gone to finale, they also came off their own accord as I still had gps...
  7. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Unknown - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: McColson Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 03/03/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1430 What best describes this incident ?: fail rp/hobo initiation Please (in...
  8. Tom McColson

    Report a player - jakeg - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: PAR. Tom McColson Name of the player(s) you are reporting: jakeg Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 17/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 2330 What best describes this incident ?: VDM Please (in detail) describe...
  9. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    he admits to running over bushes yet he never admits to running you over so I Don't see an admittance of vdm
  10. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    that's how reports work,video evidence is usually needed for the things you have reported
  11. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    just rip the vehicle, its a game its not real life as in any game there is a meta, the meta here is jumping out of mraps killing and getting back in
  12. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    red zones are a roleplay free area literally...
  13. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa - Altis Life

    that's just how people play red zones lol
  14. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Bolibumpa group - Altis Life

    we are not sure rn but we are finding out for you
  15. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Kevin Matousek - Altis Life

    @JackN no he was still alive there is also like 5 of us in comms half of which aren't playing
  16. Tom McColson

    Report a player - Kevin Matousek - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Tom McColson Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Kevin Matousek Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 12/01/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 930 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please (in detail)...
  17. Tom McColson

    Compensation Request - Tom McColson

    In-game Name: Skeng Man Simp Steam ID: 76561198872179760 Date this happened: 03/22/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was at advanced and i pulled out my 10 mil to buy it and me and my friend thought it'd be funny if he robbed the 10 mil off me as it pops up in the corner and...