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  1. Bonzi

    Unban Appeal - requis the priest - GTA RP

    When it gets responded to. Given you haven't read the unban appeal process, I'll link it here for you. Locked for three days due to bumping.
  2. Bonzi

    Report a player - 701 - Grape - GTA RP

    Hello @ThePenguin & @CJ - thank you both for making this report, and for providing the extra footage. I'll start by saying that 701 will be banned for the following: C2.2 - You're unable to pilot any vehicle when you're downed, but for some reason this player was able to despite being downed...
  3. Bonzi

    Report a player - 1040 - GTA RP

    Hello @brodie McGinty - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Normally I'd apply a warning to this players profile based on your submitted evidence - but this player has already been banned for a similar scenario he found himself in. As such, I've added a note to his profile should he...
  4. Bonzi

    Report a player - 701 - Grape - GTA RP

    Hello @CJ - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Just a couple of questions. In the first clip (the youtube link) - whose perspective is this? Have you/they got a clip of a few minutes prior to the start of this clip? Thanks.
  5. Bonzi

    Report a player - 306 - GTA RP

    Hey @welshpa - thank you for taking the time to make this report. Quite a disappointing and abrupt end to what could've been some interesting roleplay as far as I'm concerned. 306 makes no attempt to roleplay with you at any point outside of "fuck off" and "don't even try to pull me over". As...
  6. Bonzi

    Report a player - unknown (possibly grove) - GTA RP

    Hello @Splitz8 - thank you for taking the time to make this report. We're currently speaking/dealing with the individual(s) involved in this situation - given this we'll close off this report. Report Approved - Alternative Action Taken
  7. Bonzi

    Report a player - i was too late to session head - GTA RP

    Hi @osiris4realz - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Normally we'd require a longer clip, but from our end I can see that you logged on roughly 30 seconds before your clip starts, so I'm confident no roleplay was given to you before this clip starts. Not much to say here - you...
  8. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - InfernusYoshi - GTA RP

    No worries - thank you for your prompt reply. Best to confirm intentions then make assumptions you know. Starting with the SNS pistol and whatever else of value this other player might've had, as per the compensation guidelines, we only issue compensation for items you have lost, not items you...
  9. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - Kez1 - GTA RP

    Hey @Kez1 - odds are we'll need your POV to process this. If you don't reply within 24h we'll have to decline this request.
  10. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - InfernusYoshi - GTA RP

    Hello @InfernusYoshi - thanks for submitting this request. For future requests, could you describe your situation and what you're wanting please? It's hard to figure out what you're wanting from this request. Are you saying you're wanting to be compensated for the SNS pistol you failed to get...
  11. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - yampy - GTA RP

    Hello @yampy - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Desync sucks, and it does look like your vehicle exploded as a result of some amount of desync (the speed didn't help!). However we only compensate for lost items - not loss of potential items. Had you died and respawned with...
  12. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - Ollie Just - GTA RP

    Hello @Ollie Just - apologizes for the severe delay in the conclusion of this. I've had a flick through all the provided clips/screenshots you've sent - as Charles Vane previously stated, you lost your gun due to the police arresting you and seizing those items from you. Unfortunately this...
  13. Bonzi


  14. Bonzi

    Report a player - 711 - GTA RP

    Hi @MrTurn1p - thanks for taking the time to make this report. From your provided clip, its very clear to see that zero roleplay (let alone high quality roleplay) was provided to you before you were shot and killed. You may have walked away from the group as he begun to shout out demands, but...
  15. Bonzi

    Report a player - @218 - GTA RP

    Hi @Pest - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Pretty open and shut report this one I think! Jumping from such an extreme height (even if there is a body of water below you...can just be as bad as hitting concrete!) demonstrates no value of life whatsoever, or common sense! Given...
  16. Bonzi

    Report a player - 276 - GTA RP

    Hi @qaws - thanks for taking the time to make this report. Not much to say here - no roleplay was provided to you before you and several others were rammed. The player you've reported has already been permanently banned for this - as well as a variety of different rule breaks... Report...
  17. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - Kay__ - GTA RP

    Hi @Kay__ - thank you for taking the time to make this request, and sorry it took so long for it to be reviewed. After a brief discussion with other staff members, unfortunately I will be declining this compensation request on the grounds that the way in which your items were lost falls under...
  18. Bonzi

    Compensation Request - ThePenguin - GTA RP

    Hello @ThePenguin - thank you for taking the time to make this request. As per the compensation request guidelines, I believe this counts as a server/game issue - you flew through the air in a glitchy manner. I can also confirm that you did indeed bleed out following this. Compensation Request...
  19. Bonzi

    Report a player - Cutlass helicopter driver (sorry no ID) - GTA RP

    Hello @KearnW - thank you for taking the time to make this report, and thank you @Bobby Stanley for identifying yourself. I'm going to deny this report. Simply put, I'm not convinced that @Bobby Stanley intentionally rammed into your helicopter @KearnW . From this 16 second clip, I can see...