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  1. Nikolai

    Report a player - hustlers - GTA RP

    Whilst yes, you as a involved party has the right to comment, you should only comment if you have evidence at hand to provide. as stated on the Wiki we have( https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/Guide:Report_a_Player ) "Reports are not for commenting on. The only people posting should be the reporter...
  2. Nikolai

    Whitelisted Role Hours Viewer

    don't think this is needed, if factions and/or members of factions struggle to ensure their members or themselves keep time it's probably time to reconsider activity requirements
  3. Nikolai

    Report a player - 542 & 773 - GTA RP

    @CATTO are you no longer wanting to report given you've deleted the video?
  4. Nikolai

    Report a player - 371, 644 - GTA RP

    pretty clear cut character ID: 61399 will be recieving a perm ban for C2.3 report accepted
  5. Nikolai

    Report a player - Possible (NSC?) Member ( Session ID unknown ) - GTA RP

    this seems rather clear cut. @cj19n i would heavily advise you(and anyone else) to make sure who you're shooting is defiently involved in the situation, so this doesn't end up happening again someone not speaking/not talking/looking at you is not justifiable reason enough to just shoot, nor is...
  6. Nikolai

    Police Advanced Medical DNR

    no thanks, keep it to NHS, don't think we as police haev the legal powers to declare someone dead on the server anyway
  7. Nikolai

    Report a player - 628 - GTA RP

    player already appears to have been banned for this incident, will add a note with the video on it for future reference if he decides to appeal thanks for the report
  8. Nikolai

    Report a player - Possibly 912 - GTA RP

    pretty clear cut, went up to you said nothing and then stabbed you player will be recieving a 1 day ban in line with the FBS thank you for the report
  9. Nikolai

    Police and amount of them

    no that's also because the game forced you(as "game master"/dev) to set a slot amount, think it was 30 cops for a 120 pop server on our server when i joined/played from 19-21 we average like 25-35 cops on busy nights i think, 50 cops mainly happen with big raids/operations like when we pushed...
  10. Nikolai

    Report a player - 526 and 532 - GTA RP

    bit trolly, but i don't see anything too bad could be a mix of trolling and actually being unaware of how LOOC and QE works he's talking about going to sleep in prison, nothing wrong there the other part seems to be him just trying to rile you up could have a account but not use it, it is a...
  11. Nikolai

    Report a player - 526 and 532 - GTA RP

    sure, i'm in no rush
  12. Nikolai

    Report a player - 526 and 532 - GTA RP

    @Samuel Shire i need you to provide me time stamps for important parts in those clips please I don't have the time to sit through 2 hours of footage for a report i need time stamps for meta/breaking character, otherwise i'll deal with only the RDM claim
  13. Nikolai

    Changes to Police cuffs

    doesn't stop people from doing it, it's as with most things, a case of "rather safe than sorry" on that regards
  14. Nikolai

    Keeping hats on while driving.

    afaik this already happens on the server(or atleast it used to back when masks was a inv item, if they aren't anymore) it's rather easy to test if the server has it since you can just equip a animal mask and take a helmet on
  15. Nikolai

    Police being able to repair hacked doors.

    if they do it mid heist/robbery it's against the rules, if they do it after it's fine doors already have a cooldown, and some doors need certain ranks in police to lock it.
  16. Nikolai

    Real Estate Business

    sometimes you need to take something away from one to improve it for another, just the way the cookie crumbles unfortunately, i think it might be worth it for you to consider it as a non solicitor, after all what's to stop you(as a solicitor) to work for a real estate business aswell?
  17. Nikolai

    Report a player - John Wittenberry - GTA RP

    hello peoples, this report has been sitting for long enough i would think, so let us get it closed. long story short, no one will be banned/warned/whatever, @Timo Langston i do get your frustration of the incident, but in all honestly, John wasn't engaged in any RP with you(or anyone else) at...
  18. Nikolai

    Add NikolaiSlap as an animated emote

    i'd like to bump this post
  19. Nikolai

    Add Gambling Operating Licence

    tbf, not against this, could always be done as we speak in a more RP related fashion
  20. Nikolai

    Robbing/Killing Rule Change

    moved to the rules part of the suggestion pages, as it's a rule change suggestion