10.) An Adult Mime needs to feed on 27lbs. of meat daily.
9.) Mimes can use active camouflage.
8.) When threatened, a Mime can launch poison gas from its anus cavity.
7.) During mating season, Mimes become double aggressive.
6.) Mimes are very territorial and will defend their nest to the...
Call it cringe.. but I like Victorians Era uniform jackets
What are cringey clothing that you are into.. COME OUT YE, FEDORA WEARERS! Show yourself urban cowboys. Confess your crimes, weebs.
I'll pay the 500k, I know nothing of the league but I like Arsenal.. so put me down for arsenal and a Heimlich maneuver because I'm used to them choking at the end
i have no problem with being robbed, i just wanted to iron out the gray areas.
ps im actually enjoying the rp fued with ganja over the arac situation. it adds to the play style.
It is never stated that an ARAC can carry a legal firearm, but at the same time it is not stated that they cannot. It is gullibility to believe a burly tow truck driver isn't packing a revolver. ARAC can not do illegal activity, so would murder by self defense be considered illegal activity...