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  1. _Ryan

    Report a player - Wai Soh | 15 - GTA RP

    Hi apologies for the late reply I have just been made aware of this report.   I don't understand why you have reported me. You didn't contact me via the OOC chat to talk about any problems within this interaction.  In this situation I have not powergamed, it is not a requirement for police to...
  2. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Wasn't worth it at all.
  3. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    (G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.    Fairly self explanatory but the rule G2.9 is in place to stop people transferring money and items between characters.    This rule is in place because let’s say someone makes a new character and...
  4. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    I’m aware yeah, I would like to keep Ryan Rivera please.
  5. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Hi apologies for the lack of context I definitely went more in depth in my last appeal, to be honest with you the reason I transferred money was because I wanted to switch to just having one character which was my solicitor character I’m not sure why I transferred money it was stupid 
  6. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for _Ryan  In-game Name: Ryan Flanagan Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198350817099 Ban ID: !!rpuk11765!! Reason given for your ban: G2.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I transferred money between two characters which is...
  7. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for _Ryan  In-game Name: Ryan Flanagan Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198350817099 Ban ID: !!rpuk11765!! Reason given for your ban: G2.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I transferred money between two characters. Why should...
  8. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    I’ve learnt that I should only be on the server if I am able to finish a scenario to the end, I’ve learnt that I should just wait until the end of the situation before disconnecting.
  9. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    I understand that it's not an excuse and I have admitted wrong doing, honestly I didn't really think about the outcome of me disconnecting. I wasn't really thinking, I was just thinking about putting an end of the scenario.
  10. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Hi, So that night a group of us made our way through the police station to the stairs leading to the roof/helipad of the police station, it was basically just a big fight between police and the public. As it was reaching the early hours of the morning I was wanting to log off, so I basically...
  11. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for _Ryan  In-game Name: Ryan Ferrari Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198350817099 Ban ID: !!rpuk11136! Reason given for your ban: Combat Logging (C2.3) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I logged off of the server straight after...
  12. _Ryan

    Unban Appeal - _Ryan - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for _Ryan  In-game Name: Ryan Ferrari Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198350817099 Ban ID: !!rpuk11136! Reason given for your ban: Combat Logging (C2.3) In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I immediately disconnected after being...
  13. _Ryan

    Report a player - 581 - GTA RP

    Sounds to me like you're upset about the outcome of the situation as you ended up on a wild goose chase, and dead.
  14. _Ryan

    Report a player - 581 - GTA RP

    I couldn't see you in teamspeak channels after the situation, you clearly haven't tried very hard to contact me after the situation. You are reporting me for powergaming and possibly exploiting which are both false claims. In no way shape or form in this situation have I manipulated the...
  15. _Ryan

    Post your favourite song(s)

  16. _Ryan

    Nhs problem

    Hi, you are not able to give yourself the NHS tag instead contact someone within the NHS to get your tag, try a CMO.
  17. _Ryan

    Report a player - CI Ryan - Altis Life

    Also just to let you know that from the clips you have submitted you have actually driven into a purple in a active gunfight which your not able to do, you have also stored your vehicle in an active gunfight which is another rule break I have taken from your video. (1) You have retreated to a...
  18. _Ryan

    Report a player - CI Ryan - Altis Life

    What a joke of a report, lets start with the fact that this whole thing could have been spoken about and cleared up in 5 minutes yet you didn't contact me what so ever before submitting even though we have never had a problem in the past, second of all your loitering on the edge of the zone when...
  19. _Ryan

    Post your favourite song(s)

  20. _Ryan

    Report a Player - SGT Ryan [5795 - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Hello, first off you could of sent me a message saying what I did was un-reasonable and had a little chat with me before submitting a report i'm sure it could of been sorted out there in the dedicated liason channel's,  you claim that you were looking for roleplay from this situation which...