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  1. Robert Coxx

    The tale of the Mandolin

    Let's begin by saying I'm an idiot. That being said let me tell you a brief tale about the dumb thing I did 2 days ago. My wife and I were making dinner, and I wanted to test out our new mandolin that we got during the holiday. While slicing some veggies i came upon baby carrots that weren't...
  2. Robert Coxx

    Welcome to Altis they said

    Once the holidays are officially over I will make my entrance. Though I must say; i role played the hell out of apple picking yesterday. 
  3. Robert Coxx

    Welcome to Altis they said

    I left my dear home of Montreal Canada looking for adventure. The flight to Altis was a bumpy one I admit. The sky marshal had to taze several men trying to "declare themselves in control of the plane." After the taser darts hit each one of them, it's safe to say they weren't even in control of...