Because we should treat people with respect and how we self want to be treated. And none really wants to be threatened.
I learned from my mistake! If someone in the future ingnore me when I'm trying to resolv it with him. I will NEVER treat again! And aboslutly NOT using sidechat again for...
Ye like I tryed to get contact to him via sms to struggle it out with him but he didn't answer me? and I said in sms like if he don't want to talk to me than I am going to report him sadly he didn't answer me and I tryd one last thing to get contact and it was in sidechat... then e answer but...
In-game Name
[TS] Joonte
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
Treats to report ?
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, please type why you think you were...