@Ji Mitch Whilst Socrates made valid points and perhaps voting results in America/The UK could be considered to even further solidify his point but I still think it's worth noting that the system he suggested would be near impossible to implement. When you put boundaries on who can vote the...
Firstly, Hitler never said that. I'd seriously encourage you to stop believing any quote you see on the internet. Secondly, the idea that all money you earn espicially if you're ultra rich like the ones Corbyn wants to tax is all "Fairly earned" is just naivity at it's finest.
Jeff Bezos...
"Wants to give second chances to mass terrorist murderers" When has he ever said this?
Also the logic you're applying to when something good is done by labour "It was supported by both parties but labour were just in power at the time" but if it's something negative that BOTH the parties...
Public debt throughout the last labour goverment remained stagnant and went down during a couple of years up untill the financial crisis. feel free to look it up.
The problem with saying that labours finacial policies screwed the country a whole DECADE later is that it's entirely baseless...
Aha so in other words you lied and you hadn't done any research. Can't say I'm surprised tbh.
If you were even remotely well informed on the topic you'd probably know that national debt levels under labour were fine and were actually going down slightly.
How was labour responsible for the 2008 global financial crisis?
Also "Lets not second guess ourselves when we voted for something no one had any clue about and were blatantly lied too in order to get us to vote for it"