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  1. H

    Un-ban Appeal - hero1848 (Unbanned)

                   A place where you can not rob, kill, steal, or run into when in combat. We have these places becuase a person can rolepay without worrying about being killed or hassled in general sense a form of a safe zone.  
  2. H

    Un-ban Appeal - hero1848 (Unbanned)

               I am sorry for what I have done , it will  not happen again I was new to arma and rp altogether, When I joined the server I only didt a quick glance over the rules. I have read over the rules now and know I shouldn't have been robing in a green or blue zone that they are for other...
  3. H

    Un-ban Appeal - hero1848 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Nick & Mar Steam ID 76561198081008983 The date of your ban. Member of the team that banned you. Cannot find ban message. I'm brand new to forums Reason given for your ban. Logged out on cop The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please...