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  1. Dirt McGirt

    My CS:GO Clips

    Global, watch till the end of the 2nd one https://csgosquad.com/search/Dynamo
  2. Dirt McGirt

    My CS:GO Clips

    Sorry about the view whoring, thought some of you may want a watch..  Cheers.. "volume warning on the first one!!" Dirt McGirt
  3. Dirt McGirt

    Double Combat Log.

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Kemosabe & Seven  -  49621   Time & Date this happened: 10:30 - 22/08/2015 Which Server did this happen on: Server 1 Description of what happened: Both attempted to rob me, they ended up dead & combat logged quickly after. Sorry...
  4. Dirt McGirt

    One Bandit fail, One vehicle spawn fail.

    I wish I'd seen any complaints.. haha
  5. Dirt McGirt

    One Bandit fail, One vehicle spawn fail.

    Started recording as I noticed the car following me... they fail.. http://youtu.be/jsx7vdpk6pg So, I learnt not to spawn my trucks in Athira? http://youtu.be/K01HmdI4fOY Enjoy.. !
  6. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    Not had any contact on TS / In game since. I've been active. 
  7. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    I'm just pointing out the premise isn't far different from the situation you were in. It wasn't meant to shame you or like HA I GOT YOU..  
  8. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    This is utterly pointless going back and forth here, I'm in ts if you want to talk. Steph has told me I have to resolve it with you, and I'm more than willing to.
  9. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    I'm saying to you I used side to discuss the NRL not any ingame RP.. Then coming back to hand the truck over, which I even said in side.. (I know its breaking RP because I've died.. but the situation warranted it)  which you responded with pointing guns in the middle of the road at me, yes I did...
  10. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    I am in the wrong, I can't deny that.  But you make me out to be somebody who follows no rules and just pisses on everyone's chips. I came back the first time not fully understanding the NRL rule, after a quick discussion in side chat I came back with the truck through Agios.. Where I knew you...
  11. Dirt McGirt

    Dirt McGirt

    I went back to discuss what had happened. Granted I shouldn't have. The VDM was much later on, and they both had guns pointed at the truck sitting in the center of the road in Agios.. I did run them over, but stopped after only to be shot. I accepted the situation that had happened.. I'm willing...