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  1. J

    Jarvan - Unban Appeal (Denied)

    I didn't get kicked off anything though, that's why I'm confused, I'm not playing dumb. I logged off on my own terms a couple days ago, then went back on to play last night and I was banned.
  2. J

    Jarvan - Unban Appeal (Denied)

    Could you give more details please? Time and location?
  3. J

    Jarvan - Unban Appeal (Denied)

    Your In-game name: Jarvan Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198063956420 Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  ae5f28e71aa0ec917509d7f2a740ce3c Date & Time you was banned: 10/06/2015 Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 3A) VDM - Vehicle Death Match...
  4. J

    Compensation Request - Agios Car Shop Bug

    Got it at server restart. Problem resolved itself.
  5. J

    Compensation Request - Agios Car Shop Bug

    In-game name: Jarvan Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198063956420 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 7pm 09/06/2015 What was lost: Black/White Hatchback (Sport) Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 200k Quick description...