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  1. R

    Un-ban Appeal - Reflexed - 04/30/2016 (Unbanned)

    Ok. The fault is all mine then if i used an exploit (Sorry). But do you really deserve a permanent ban without an admin warning you for such a little thing (Jumping out a car while restrained)?    //Jonathan
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    Un-ban Appeal - Reflexed - 04/30/2016 (Unbanned)

    I don't know if it's still left but 1 year ago you could leave unlocked cars/police cars while handcuffed. When im in the car it says that you can ¨get out¨ so you just click on ¨get out¨ and you leave the car while restrained. I've read the rules and i haven't found the rule i broke but i think...
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    Un-ban Appeal - Reflexed - 04/30/2016 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Jonathan Steam ID 54e6d800407b550bcf80861ac4f9fd22 The date of your ban. 06/03/2015 Member of the team that banned you. HauptKommissarin Reason given for your ban. ¨You were kicked of the game. [battleye:Admin Ban [banned by: Hauptkommissarin Steph :Appeal at...
  4. R

    Jonathan - Unban Appeal (Look at after 13/06/15)

    Heres a picture if needed http://gyazo.com/41ac17efbab331500fd6dda706958d3a
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    Jonathan - Unban Appeal (Look at after 13/06/15)

    The admins name was Hauptkommissarin who banned me. The message im getting is ¨You were kicked of the game. [battleye:Admin Ban [banned by: Hauptkommissarin Steph :Appeal at AltisLife.co.uk]]
  6. R

    Jonathan - Unban Appeal (Look at after 13/06/15)

    Your In-game name: Jonathan Your Steam Profile ID:  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116597243/ Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  54e6d800407b550bcf80861ac4f9fd22 Date & Time you was banned: It was 3-4 June, don´t remember. 17:00-18:00 CET...