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  1. Darscho

    Report a Player - Josh - RDM

    I uploaded on the 10th so most likely then. Sorry I can not remember exactly, I will see if I can find the video on my computer. @JohnJoeegan
  2. Darscho

    Report a Player - Josh - RDM

    Your In-game name Darscho Name of the player(s) you are reporting Josh Date of the incident 01/09/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 355 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident Me and a friend...
  3. Darscho

    New Forums

    My friend just tried to apply for the police but when he clicked on the ALUK police picture it sends him to an unban appeal. So I tried it and got the same. Great job on the icons they look really good. Really like the design!
  4. Darscho

    Taking Police Hostage (Important) <October15>

    I agree with this. Great roleplay is brought from being taken hostage. Two that stick out to me when I have been taken is bombs in the church in which we had to get a bomb squad in and the other resulted in the GC vs Cops sing off.  However I do think it is getting ridiculous the amount of...
  5. Darscho

    Hacked. Bye ;-(

    Nooo :(  Sucks to see you go, hope to see you back soon!
  6. Darscho

    I feel like this is definitely not aimed at Wilco...   shh

    I feel like this is definitely not aimed at Wilco...   shh
  7. Darscho


    Video is now Public.
  8. Darscho

    Comp Request- Losing items randomly...

    In-game name: ItsDarscho Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198107426196 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): It was on the 8/28/2015  Which server: Server 1   What was lost: I ended up losing 2x 6.5 silencers, 2x ARCO scopes, 2x bipods, DMS...
  9. Darscho

    Comp Request Linked to RDM

    In-game name: ItsDarscho Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198107426196 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 8/29/2015 ~3:57 Which server: 1   What was lost: Just my ARAC overalls and backpack a few toolkits and FAKs along with my 45 and a...
  10. Darscho


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [PMW] Falck   Time &amp; Date this happened: 8/29/2015 3:57am    Which Server did this happen on: 1    Description of what happened: Some hobo jumped in my car and drove off so I shot out the tyres and told him to get out of the truck. Next...
  11. Darscho

    Darscho - Comp Request

    Ah okay man, thanks for the help ^^ Me nor the mentor knew what it really came under and we came to the conclusion that I should just put up a comp request as I couldn't lose anything else :p  
  12. Darscho

    ARAC or Taxi licence?

    So the money is set off tips? :) I don't really mind the money its more about how much I will actually be doing something in the role as I don't want t spend 1mil then get a call every restart... Is it only repairing or can you tow cars and put cones down etc... and do the lights work(Thats a...
  13. Darscho

    ARAC or Taxi licence?

    Hey, So basically I am looking to pick up a new licence but I am unsure what the demand for ARAC and the demand for the Taxi service is like. Also how much money you get for each job is something that I would like to know.  I have made a straw poll and if you guys could just select one you...
  14. Darscho

    Comp Request- Hacker

    The banned person was called "FaceNooB". I have a gang member working on finding out which admin actually helped us out as we did not write it down but I will try and get back to you ASAP with that one :)
  15. Darscho

    Comp Request- Hacker

    I can't give that much evidence apart from being dead outside the shops in Kavala due to me not recording before the incident, however I did go into the help room in TS and asked a mentor and there was also another guy who was reporting the same person to the admin for a ban and the admin told...
  16. Darscho

    Comp Request- Hacker

    In-game name: Darscho Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198107426196 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): ~3:30 today Which server: 1   What was lost: Urban CSAT camo, Chest rig, MXSW with silencer ARCO and IR pointer, DMS scope in back pack...
  17. Darscho

    Darscho - Comp Request

    In-game name: ItsDarscho Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198107426196 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report):  21/8/2015 Which server:  1 What was lost: A full HEMTT transport of marijuana. ~160 processed  Value of item/money lost ( Provide...
  18. Darscho

    How do you collect clams?

    The title, and help would be appreciated ^^