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  1. O

    Unban Request (Unbanned 19/10/2014)

    As said above, here is my GUID: ee147eaf7cd3bea3a0f9a1dcbd06f33
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    Unban Request (Unbanned 19/10/2014)

    Dear Wilco Hello i just want to make sure that you didn't see my Post. Could you make your decision, i can understand if you are Mad at me but i really have learned my lesson, Seriously. I Will put in my GUI shortly here as soon as i have time Cheers
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    Unban Request (Unbanned 19/10/2014)

    Good Day Altis Life Uk Community I got banned at the 10/06/14 for Combatlogging, time has past by and i have Understood my Error and re-read all of the Server Rules. I can understand that Combatlogging is something very bad, and you guys take Roleplaying Seriously, and i understand that now...
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    I did never say i do not take it Serious or did i?
  5. O

    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    I'm Not Crying, im just explaining the Sitatuion from my Point of View. and i don't get mad at being Arrested, i got mad at you breaking the Rule. i have been in so many servers and im tired of seeing Police "Abusing" their power/not following the rules
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    You are only 1Guy as i said. i never said i don't like all other People? Well this Server here has its own rules so those are the Legit rules for me. If a server has its own Rules i don't care about the Real Rule because in the end effect its the Server RUle i wil have to follow not the Real...
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    I was Roleplaying wasn't i? I Tried to get your attention by saying a Joke to Lockpick your Policecar. You follow the RUle by the book? You didn't do it Yesterday. You only gave 1 Ticket. and Education is a really valuable thing, atleast we agree on that
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    No i would not have paid it, because i have no Money. Why Troll? Why is it trolling if i say a joke to get your Attention so i can Lockpick your Police car? So this isn't roleplay in your eyes? ALright then. HOW could this joke ruin the experience for other People?  I had a Reason my reason was...
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    Hello my name is Opa Rotbart, I Have been banned Yesterday (11.06.2014), So lets start off with What exactly happened. there was this guy called "Matt Hardy" he gave me a Ride to the Bank Station because he was Roleplaying a News Reporter (Thats what he told me) and we were driving to the Bank...