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  1. beastie

    Permanent Ban Appeal - beastie (Unbanned 31/07/16)

    because at the time a grp were rdming ppl and we were one of them rather than deal with it in the appropriate manner we combat logged which was wrong but at the time we didn't like anyone else want to lose what we had worked so hard to earn i know we shouldn't of but we did, regrets... yes and i...
  2. beastie

    Permanent Ban Appeal - beastie (Unbanned 31/07/16)

    In-game Name Beast Steam ID 76561198021204058 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/10134-banned-denied/#comment-58412 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. rather than editing my request i replied to it to add...
  3. beastie

    Un-ban Appeal - beastie - 06/22/2016 (Redirected)

    In-game Name Beast Steam ID 76561198021204058 The date of your ban. 17/11/2014 Member of the team that banned you. wilko Reason given for your ban. multiple posts The Server you initially were banned on. Server 3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. for...
  4. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    also refreshed myself with ur rules :)
  5. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    after playing dayz u get used to ppl like that
  6. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    i have but i am not one to complain about getting rdm/ vdm / non rp i just pick up and get on with it 
  7. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    but i can assure u it wont happen again but they ain't playing by rules either ;)
  8. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    yeah i see that m8 thats how come i replied to my own post lol ^^
  9. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    and its not the first time lpg group have not rp'd in game and have killed ppl in towns im not saying its an excuse for combat log but why shud they get away with it cos ppl aint moaning lil bitches and get on with it 
  10. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    i have seen it and as for that where was the rp by lpg oh yeah was none just rdm so sort it out if u ban us ban them fairs fair 
  11. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    also i dont see any forum post for the date u have given for me??
  12. beastie

    banned? (Denied)

    yeah well i was playing earlier today now go to log in and am banned can u please explain reason for this as i dont no what ive supposed to have done????