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  1. Z

    Ive donated, but cant acces donator shop :/

    PlayerID: 76561198063154528
  2. Z

    Bugs and alot of wasted money

    In-game name: Zippom Your player ID: 76561198063154528   What was lost: Money Value of item/money lost: 80k $ Quick description of what happened: There have been a bug, the last days. Where me/other cant acces there cars, when we press "U" it says cars unlocked, but u still cant acces it...
  3. Z

    Ive donated, but cant acces donator shop :/

    PlayerID: 76561198063154528
  4. Z

    Ive donated, but cant acces donator shop :/

    Hey Ingame: zippom Cant acces the donator shop, i donated 2 days ago :/
  5. Z


    Just lost mine for about 5 min ago :/ Was about to start processing my diamonds -.-
  6. Z


    Hi I was driving in my truck with a full load of diamonds and a bag full of them. Suddenly i just get kicked.. and then i loose my load... so uch hard work and then it just diussapere ? thats not fair, through it was a real life server. Because if i leave something in my car in real life it...