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  1. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Progen MF1 Spyder FLOATS on Slamtruck

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Sep 11, 2001 Time: 00:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Progen MF1 Spyder FLOATS on Slamtruck Provide a full description of the bug: See pictures. Haven't checked Flatbed. Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage...
  2. Joe Scrub

    Add 'Metallic' Paintjobs to Secondary, Tertiary and Quadratic Paintjob Options

    With most of the colours moving from 'classic' to 'metallic' under respray, many of the secondary/detailing colour options that were available are now no longer accessible, it would be nice to be able to use them again.
  3. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Most Colours Missing From LS Customs

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 22, 2024 Time: 14:50 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Most Colours Missing From LS Customs Provide a full description of the bug: In the respray section most of the colours under classic are now...
  4. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Camera Resets to 1st Zoom Level After Exiting Vehicle

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 21, 2024 Time: 18:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Camera Resets to 1st Zoom Level After Exiting Vehicle Provide a full description of the bug: Since the latest update, whenever I exit a vehicle...
  5. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Los Santos Highway Staff Parking Mule Has Returned

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 21, 2024 Time: 22:40 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Los Santos Highway Staff Parking Mule Has Returned Provide a full description of the bug: The Mule has returned. Link(s) To Any...
  6. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Aircraft & Boat Trailer Issues

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 19, 2024 Time: 20:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Aircraft & Boat Trailer Issues Provide a full description of the bug: The new boat and aircraft trailers have a small issue with them, and then a...
  7. Joe Scrub

    Phone Gallery Improvements

    It would be nice to have some additional features in the phone gallery, especially for organisation. Primarily I think it would be nice to be able to create folders to sort pictures into and to be able to pin certain pictures to always show first.
  8. Joe Scrub

    GTA RP - Tunnel into the underground racetrack has an invisible hitbox

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 11, 2024 Time: 21:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Tunnel into the underground racetrack has an invisible hitbox Provide a full description of the bug: There are also many more invisible...
  9. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: May 1, 2024 Time: 01:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Fuel job doesn't end if trailer destroyed before attaching. Provide a full description of the bug: Hello, when doing a RON fuel delivery, if the...
  10. Joe Scrub

    [ACKNOWLEDGED] Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Apr 1, 2024 Time: 04:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Tornado Custom Roof Modifications Missing Provide a full description of the bug: The Tornado Custom has roof customisation options however there...
  11. Joe Scrub

    [ACKNOWLEDGED] Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Apr 1, 2024 Time: 04:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Tornado Front Bumper Upgrades Missing Provide a full description of the bug: The Tornado and Tornado 2 both have a couple of front bumper upgrades...
  12. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - Forums

    Server: Forums Date: Mar 26, 2024 Time: 18:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: No Donation Explanation? Provide a full description of the bug: On the old forums I think there was some waffle explaining what the donation options (lifetime/investor) granted and that you could upgrade one...
  13. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Mar 20, 2024 Time: 07:50 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Logo BROKEN on character selection screen. Provide a full description of the bug: . Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The Bug:
  14. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - Forums

    Server: Forums Date: Mar 19, 2024 Time: 15:11 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Can no longer post reactions on BUG REPORT threads Provide a full description of the bug: You used to be able to react to replies on BUG REPORT threads as can be seen here...
  15. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Mar 18, 2024 Time: 22:22 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Occult Parking GPS Marker Incorrect. Provide a full description of the bug: GPS marker in one place, parking hitbox in another. Link(s) To Any...
  16. Joe Scrub

    Remove MULE from Los Santos Highway Staff Public Parking please

    Hello, my big suggestion is to remove the spawn of this MULE because it slightly obstructs the car park and is ANNOYING. That's about it, thanks.
  17. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - Forums

    Server: Forums Date: Mar 19, 2024 Time: 01:26 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Bug Report Post Timer Provide a full description of the bug: If you try to post a bug report with incorrect information (for example time 2222 and not 22:22) after correcting the error and trying to post...
  18. Joe Scrub

    [ACKNOWLEDGED] Report a bug - Joe Scrub - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Joe Antonio Steam ID: 76561198037203634 Date: Mar 12, 2024 Time: 00:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Can't Park Alpha Romanian Quadriplegic Car at Prison Car Park Provide a full description of the bug: When trying to deliver that particular car...
  19. Joe Scrub

    Report a bug - Joe Scrub - Forums

    Server: Forums Date: Mar 11, 2024 Time: 00:00 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Bug report posting sends you to homepage Provide a full description of the bug: When you submit a bug report you are sent to the homepage instead of the report you just created. Link(s) To Any...
  20. Joe Scrub

    Remove Local Cars in Paleto Bay Parking

    My big suggestion is to prevent these local vehicles from spawning in this car park because it is annoying. That's about it, thanks.