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  1. ClassyCustom

    Manual Transmission

    manual transmissions would be good for people who like to drive with a steering wheel. people could use this for street racing trucking jobs or even just general driving https://forum.cfx.re/t/fivem-manual-transmission-server-side-resource-with-custom-gears-and-different-gearmods/2754006
  2. ClassyCustom

    More Drunk Mechanics

    I think when a player has been drinking there should be more effects on the player 1. vomit if they continue to drink after already having high amounts of alcohol 2. affect how they drive causing (by randomly changing drink direction) this should be subtle and aggressive depending on how drunk...
  3. ClassyCustom

    Improved Weight System

    I think the implementation of a proper weight system would be a huge benefit as most items atm take the same amount of space excluding things like repair kits and steel. At the moment the icon for the iron bar suggests one bar weighs 1kg so why would 1 weed or coke take the same amount of space...
  4. ClassyCustom

    Skills For Cutting/Crafting Drugs (Similar to Mining/Smelting)

    Add a Leveling system to cutting/crafting drugs, such as cocaine, which becomes easier as you gain more experience. The more drugs you produce, the higher your "Drug Manufacture" Level will become. 1. Increase your player cutting speed (Your player is more experienced at mixing the drugs) 2...
  5. ClassyCustom

    Option To Choose Underwear

    Currently, people always wear the same underwear when they take off their tops and trousers. I think players should be able to pick what they wear under their clothes and not rely on an outfit to change what they wear under the main clothes  
  6. ClassyCustom

    Tattoo UI Improvements

    Can we get the tattoos organized to the corresponding body area. This will allow people to easily find tattoos specifically designed for the right arm, left arm, or the back.
  7. ClassyCustom

    Storage Container Improvements

    1. Implement a rental system for storage containers similar to houses, making them more accessible and less rare. also introduce a cash payment option for renting so it stays private. 2. Adjust the upgrade costs to create a more balanced progression. The current cost structure, such as paying...
  8. ClassyCustom

    Extra Shoes

    Is it possible to have these shoes with socks that don't clip with trousers. This way we can have more clothing combinations without the socks causing any visual issues. 
  9. ClassyCustom

    Google Phone Icons

    I've created an example of what these icons could look like. the only missing icons are Vehicle Manager, Work Finderz and Licences. But these could most likely just use the default ones anyway. I have also created files for all the icons used so they can be easily edited
  10. ClassyCustom

    Prison System Change

    Brief Summary: Allow the use of fake names when going to prison Detailed Suggestion: When committing crimes you can provide the police with a fake name, but when you go into the prison it just uses the name connected to your character id so your real name. I think it would be good if the...
  11. ClassyCustom

    Unban Appeal - ClassyCustom - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for ClassyCustom  In-game Name: Arthur Walker Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198299519305 Ban ID: !!rpuk6426!! Reason given for your ban: C2.2,G2.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: After reading the rules, I 100% violated the 2 listed above...
  12. ClassyCustom

    Minimap Update/Fix

    Would anyone want the minimap to be updated to have the atlas style as well. I've already done the work so if the devs want it and the community wants it I can send the script to them. I would also be happy to add new gang areas and extend the current ones at request of the devs. also change the...