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  1. Niamh

    Mosley's Trialthlon 8pm, 18/10/2023

    Triathlon - 8pm, 18th of October Prizes 1st: 1.7Mil 2nd 750k 3rd 500k Start location: Lumber yard End location: Flywheels Please wear helmets. Bikes will be provided. Laptops and usbs can be bought or rented on the day. Free Entry
  2. Niamh

    Report a bug - Niamh - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Niamh Ryan Steam ID: 76561198811753646 Date: Jan 1, 1970 Time: 14:08 Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: Checking cars to see if they count as local or import Provide a full description of the bug: Hoping to have the Tampa C and the ORACLE V12 STD...
  3. Niamh

    Relay Rally hosted by Ottos and Molseys

    https://i.gyazo.com/1978b428a3dae1a0335f97b0fd69259e.gif Relay Race 9pm, 21/04/24 Location: Sandy/Grapeseed First place: Locust(rare car). 1M+ in cash prizes 3 per team, 50k entry Laptops and USBs needed will be for sale Helmets required Contact 734-1490, 132-1363 or 778-1880 to sign up. Sign...
  4. Niamh

    Make dealership inventory lists alphabetical order

    Quick and easy one really make dealership inventory lists in alphabetical order. More of a quality of life thing and hopefully it's not too much dev work.
  5. Niamh

    Stop police instantly impounding cars.

    Its a pretty simple rule Police can't instantly “bob” impound players cars or local cars in roleplay situations, imo its basically powergaming but it happens fairly often in my experience. It shuts down rp. Civs should be given the opportunity to try to get their car back. Makes things more...
  6. Niamh

    Le Mans hosted by Mosley's and Otto's

    Welcome to Le Mans hosted by Otto’s and Mosley’s. 1.8mil in prizes 2nd of Dec, 7pm to 9pm Starting point Sandy Airfield/Flywheels.  Rules: All cars will be category B with a racing livery, any queries reach out to a member of Otto’s or Mosley’s staff. Equipment required: Laptops, USB...
  7. Niamh

    Card Freaks Scavenger Hunt.

    Start Point: Card Freaks  29/10/2023 @8pm Mystery First Place Prize
  8. Niamh

    Compensation Request - Niamh - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Niamh Ryan Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198811753646 Character ID: 26841 The date when this happened: 10/08/23 The time when this happened: 00:25 Please provide full detail and evidence: An order was placed at Otto's and we only got 1 of the 2...
  9. Niamh

    cars not being delivered

    Steam ID: 76561198811753646 Character ID: 26841 When did this happen: 10/07/23 Summary: cars not being delivered Full Description: When you order a car, you can order it more than once.. but. If you click on it a second time, the car doesnt get ordered but you are still charged for it...
  10. Niamh

    Report a player - 322,876,935 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Niamh Biggs Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 322,876,935 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 07/06/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2200 What best describes this incident ?: RDM, NLR...
  11. Niamh

    Report a player - not sure - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Niamh Biggs Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: not sure Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 07/06/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 20 What best describes this incident ?: RDM/ Metagaming/...
  12. Niamh

    Bugged 24/7 route 68 west

    Steam ID: 76561198811753646 Character ID: 26841 When did this happen: 02/02/23 Summary: Bugged 24/7 route 68 west Full Description: The texture of the shop are off, people disappear when your in there. (should have reported sooner sorry!!) Images / Video's...
  13. Niamh

    Otto's Classic Car meet 17/06/2023

      Otto's Classic Car 17/06/2023 £3.4 mil in prizes     PRIZES: BEST LOW RIDER: 1ST 500K 2ND 300K BEST SPORTS CLASSIC : 1ST 500K 2ND 300K COOLEST CLASSIC : 1ST 500K 2ND 300K SHED OF THE NIGHT : 200K CLASSIC LOW RIDER/MUSCLE RACE: 1ST 400K 2ND 250K 3RD 150K
  14. Niamh

    Report a player - Cody Ortet, id: 38 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Niamh Biggs Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Cody Ortet, id: 38 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 03/28/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 18 What best describes this incident ?: nvl, poor...
  15. Niamh

    Low Rider Supershow 09/02/2023

      Hello Los Santos. You may not know who we are but you will soon come to know us February 9th, 9pm, we are hosting a low-rider super-show, there is over 1 Million in prizes to be won and the chance to find out who we are. It's being held on the Del Perro Pier and we are excited to see you...
  16. Niamh

    changes to crafting levels

    So this has been bothering me for a while. The only way to advance your crafting skills is by making lockpicks even though there are a bunch of things to craft none advances your craft level. Lockpicks take 4 steel to make which is a lot of money or grafting and you won't make the money back...
  17. Niamh

    The Great Roll Off

    The Great Roll Off and Rosevelt Valor Auction Dice rolls lots of dice rolls!! With some really amazing prizes!! Along with an auction for a Rosevelt Valor with all proceeds going to The Park Rangers. 9pm 02/01/2023 at Diamond Casino
  18. Niamh

    Secondhand Car Sale

    Trying to make some extra money? Wanna clear out some space in the garage? Come on down to AutoCare second hand event, their will be middle men at your service.   Contact me on  734-1490 or drop down to AutoCare for more info.
  19. Niamh


    Welcome to AutoCare AutoCare is a dealership and mechanic shop owned by Frank and Niamh Biggs who have an collective of "Strays" (as Niamh likes to call them) who work for them. AutoCare has a lot of history to it but needed a bit of TLC after being neglected for years. It was originally...
  20. Niamh

    route 68 west shop, manage employees

    I removed an employee from my shop route 68 west and then the next restart have tried to add a new employees but its saying I'm at max capacity still. Just wondering  if somethings changed.