In-game Name: Steve
Steam ID: 76561198079977134
Date this happened: 05/05/19
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: hacker forcefully stripped me naked without asking permission
Link to any evidence...
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Jebediah Jalalai
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Poor/Low Quality RP
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the...
Your In-game name
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
John Bangim
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Poor/Low Quality RP
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the...
In-game Name: Yalcin
Steam ID: 263261
Date this happened: 03/02/19
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: We were setting up for a high scale HM robbery, I think in total we were approximately 13 people. My friend Ralph asked me for the bomb device for...