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  1. ufff


    So, for a while now there's been very little to do around cars other than the odd car meet.  That leads me to this, Los Santos Stage 1 of the Rally Championship.  This is a Subaru WRX STI Only event with a massive prize of £1MILLION to be given out to the top 3 place drivers Free Entry Track...
  2. ufff

    Weapon Crafting

    Brief Summary: Remove weapon crafting from civilians, lock it behind turf gangs & whitelisted groups Detailed Suggestion: Basically my suggestion stems from the sheer amount of guns currently on the street.  I feel like right now everyone is mining & smelting just farming away out of...
  3. ufff

    Blackjack Tables

    My suggestion here is to open up the extra tables that are in the casino for Blackjack, it will allow more people to play at once. Also for the minimum bet on the "High Roller" Tables to be 50k minimum and have the lower tables do 100/45k bets. Right now there are so many people playing on high...
  4. ufff

    Shop Upgrades

    Tweedle Upgrade So basically, this upgrade would unlock a tweedle account that is associated with the business you have bought the upgrade for. For example, I own the 24/7 In Sandy Shores if I buy the twitter upgrade it would send me the login name for the store, transfer ownership of the...
  5. ufff

    Car dealership is making the mouse be stuck on my screen

    When trying to put a car for sale in Mosleys when i click the Garage to Store button and then hit enter on the car it just quickly flashes saying requirements not met. Then when i leave the shop my mouse is stuck on my screen I have tried F8 and typing gangmenu to try get rid of it but it...
  6. ufff


    Is there any chance we can change how often it rains ? Currently all it seems to do in rain we get 3/4 minutes of sun and the rest of the time it just seems to be raining uncontrollably.
  7. ufff

    Compensation Request - Warwick GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Kevin Noble Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198063484615 The date when this happened: 18/12/2020  Please provide full detail and evidence: After the 21:30 restart on the 18th i bought a GT500 from Moselys and then upgraded it, later on that night Antollyme...
  8. ufff

    Cars/Bikes duplicating inside of dealerships

    Cars for sale are showing one from each character after the 20:10 restart today. 
  9. ufff

    Small Inventory QOL Change

    Basically once you've typed a number into the number box in the inventory it always defaults back to 1, my suggestion is that it will always stay as the last number you typed in & also if we have the number as a 0 would it possible to just get it so it drags across whatever you can hold...
  10. ufff

    Compensation Request - Warwick - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Kevin Noble Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198063484615 The date when this happened: 10/30/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: I dont have any evidence but I went to my house at around 19:45PM to get out my compact rifle (Mini AK?) So that i have it...
  11. ufff

    Notifications Bar

    When you click the notifications icon on the main bar when you try to click the notifications the menu just disappears. https://gyazo.com/a7a317098853a2c7e933a96da43605e8
  12. ufff

    & that's me

    So, ive been a member of this community closing in on 3 years & have loved every part of it. Over the past year or so ive been struggling with my mental health and haven't been in best frame of mind and in turn have finally decided that I need to take a break & put myself first, it's not...
  13. ufff

    Repair Kits

    So in order to use a repair kit you have to have sat in the driver seat of the car last, if you crash and your passenger gets out even half a second after you and you repair it the repair won't work and you'll still loose the toolkit. 
  14. ufff

    Twitter / OOC

    Basically my suggestion is to make twitter a mobile phone app that'd we have to open to use, this way it could be set so people could actually be @'d to get their attention as it'd make a notification noise on there phone,  currently the twitter does tend to take up a large portion of your...
  15. ufff

    Compensation Request - Warwick - FiveM

    In-game Name: Kevin Noble Steam ID: 76561198063484615 Date this happened: 05/25/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: So i bought a car named Linx from my shop AutoCare, 160k was taken from my account and then the car was delivered to me, when i accepted the delivery it took roughly 2/3...
  16. ufff

    Ejecting from vehicles

    So when you're driving along and use the caps lock key to switch your engine off to approach quietly if you come short and then try and switch your engine back on whilst still rolling you get ejected through the front window. Every time ive done it that's whats happened so it should be easy to...
  17. ufff

    Indicators being stuck on and also what button they're mapped to

    So now that we have indicators they just seem to be randomly getting stuck on at least for me, i'd also like to see the button for them be map-able (if possible) as i'd like to have my indicator buttons on my arrow keys. 
  18. ufff

    Compensation Request - Warwick

    In-game Name: Borrick Steam ID: 76561198063484615 Date this happened: 24/08/19 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: When i logged off yesterday morning the 24th i had 20 mill when i have just logged on now i have 10m due to the roll back...
  19. ufff

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Warwick

    In-game Name Borris Becker Steam ID 76561198063484615 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. http://roleplay.co.uk In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I think I was banned because of a member of my gang using exploits to get a lot of cash and me...
  20. ufff

    Compensation Request - Warwick

    In-game Name: SUR. Warwick [MTO] Steam ID: 76561198063484615 Date this happened: 28/10/18 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: So i was just coming to the end of my medic patrol and headed into the hospital no sooner did i hit esc was i blown up on the...