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  1. ShadowDirector

    Report a player - Zombie Killers - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Johnathan Jones Reported Players: Zombie Killers Date: Nov 22, 2024 Time: 21:30 What best describes this incident: G4.5 Please (in detail) describe the incident: We have been fighting with ZKs since last week and have subsequently since then made war rules...
  2. ShadowDirector

    Lore Friendly/Vanilla Edited Motorcycles

    I would like to see more additions to the Motorcycle lineup we currently have on the server as for some time the motorcycle scene has been neglected with the focus mainly being on cars. All bikes suggested are lore-friendly/Vanilla Edited so it should be easier to add on the server without...
  3. ShadowDirector

    Unable to lock front & back doors at YJ

    Steam ID: 76561198152830418 Character ID: 212 When did this happen: 05/06/23 Summary: Unable to lock front & back doors at YJ Full Description: Since the new update, we are unable to lock both the front and back doors at Yellow Jacks Images / Video's Front: https://imgur.com/IoF5u9n...
  4. ShadowDirector

    Ace Of Spades helm bug

    Steam ID: 76561198152830418 Character ID: 212 When did this happen: 02/05/23 Summary: Ace Of Spades Helmet bug Full Description: Upon the new updates release, my helmet had disappeared from my character, I went to the locker to apply the helmet and it won't apply to my character, I tried...
  5. ShadowDirector

    Autoshop Motorcycles Stock Update

    To put it simply, id like some stock updates for Autoshop Motorcycles so we can better compete with Custom Motorcycles up in Paleto Bay.  The bikes ill be suggesting bellow are intended to be an exclusive to our shop and bring a different twist onto the server so let's give motorcycles some...
  6. ShadowDirector

    Autoshop Motorcycles Visuals/Props

    What I would like to suggest is an update to the visuals of Autoshop Motorcycles and pop add/removals if you can refer to the images bellow Graphics:  When it comes down to the graphics the idea was to hopefully give the shop more of an identity to again better capture the idea of it being...
  7. ShadowDirector

    Fallen Angels Locals

    The locals around The Fallen Angels Area or "Autoshop Motorcycles" have been causing a lot of headache, they recently re appeared once wildlife was re added, a bug report was filed though according to what we have been told its not a bug. | Reference:  Now, the suggestion itself. I think...
  8. ShadowDirector

    Compensation Request - ShadowDirector - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Johnathan Jones Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198152830418 The date when this happened: 03/28/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: So this is a bit of a weird one, I have taken out my Harley Davidson Road King and iv noticed that the "Red...
  9. ShadowDirector

    The Fallen Angels MC | Screenshots | Videos

    The Fallen Angels MC ________________________________________ This thread is to share screenshots and videos of The Fallen Angels MC, please keep this thread on topic and do not bring any negative views you have on the Fallen Angels into the thread, anything off-topic will be requested to be...
  10. ShadowDirector

    Fallen Angels MC

    The Fallen Angels MC ________________________________________ Background Story In 2021 the Angels Of Death MC was targeted by the Lost MC in Los Santos, Johnathan Jones was unaware that the Lost was already established in the city and was surprised when we were approached by no other than John...
  11. ShadowDirector

    Angels Of Death MC

    The Angels Of Death MC ________________________________________ Background Story Chapter I: The Angels Arrival The Angels of Death MC is an outlaw motorcycle club operating in the city of Los Santos. The Angels mainly deal in the business of drugs and will be actively looking to expand and...
  12. ShadowDirector

    RPUK Mocktage #1 - The first attempt

    I hope you enjoy the video, my first try making something like this anyway. Enjoy!
  13. ShadowDirector

    Compensation Request - ShadowDirector

    In-game Name: John Wick Steam ID: 76561198152830418 Date this happened: 03/06/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: I went to Los Santos Customs shop and bought the "Custom Tyres", it took my money but did not put the custom tyre on my vehicle. Link to any evidence...
  14. ShadowDirector

    Custom Tyres

    Went to Los Santos Customs, and attempted to buy myself the "Custom Tyre" the game took my money but no custom tyre were showing on the vehicle. Nor the option ticked off to show that I had bought it. 
  15. ShadowDirector

    Can not acsess the Donate Page

    When I click on donate I end up getting this message here
  16. ShadowDirector

    Terminator Resistance

    Anyone else buying this? - I am happy developers are making more "Single Player Games", As not only this game but "Star Wars Jedi fallen order" also looks very good. I miss the good old days where you did not need "Multiplayer" to save your title, hopefully both this and Star Wars does well, I...
  17. ShadowDirector

    Gang Uniforms

    I see in one of the updates that the Framework for Gang Uniforms has been added, though I see no place for you to apply or send in a uniform to be added. Has this been officially released yet, or is it going to come out in a future update? To also add, is the dev going to skin a uniform for...
  18. ShadowDirector

    Compensation Request - ShadowDirector

    In-game Name: John Wick Steam ID: 209250 Date this happened: 30/04/19 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Was driving around, and my gear just vanished, the entire server who had gear on them had it removed, though my items in my bag were not removed...
  19. ShadowDirector

    Jurassic World Evolution: Showcase, News & More

      Greetings, This post of going to be about Jurassic World Evolution I have to say I am very curious to see what your parks looks like, if possible why not post some images below.  To add, if you guys need any assistance with anything I am more than happy to assist given I have the knowledge...
  20. ShadowDirector

    When Faheem tries to Negotiate

    I think the video will speak for itself... Credit: @INS Yankee