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  1. Nalurah

    Compensation Request - Nalurah - Malden Life

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Nalurah Orion Game: Malden Life Steam ID: 76561198065783547 The date when this happened: 07/18/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: Due to a bug: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/132950-can-scrap-without-keys/ I lost my heli, a MH9 at Rebel...
  2. Nalurah

    RPUK Charity Pub Quiz!

    After the great success of the Christmas Pub Quiz, I have decided to host them more often. The Pub Quiz will always be linked to a charity to raise awareness and help out those in need. From the organisers (just me really) point of view there will be no reward for the winners. However, you are...
  3. Nalurah

    Server wide event page

    Create an area for events that are server wide so when we have server wide events like the Pub Quiz we can easily announce in the same area. I would like to announce the next pub quiz but a double post in both event section tends to end up in confusion. Pros: - Easier to organise Cons: - None
  4. Nalurah

    RPUK Christmas Pub Quiz Results

    First of all, thank you all for participating in the Pub Quiz, I creatly enjoyed hosting it and hope to do so again. The winner of the Pub Quiz with 49 points is: THE DREAM TEAM! Now this event was mainly a charity event to bring the community together in an exciting way. I hope that in a...
  5. Nalurah

    The RPUK Christmas Pub Quiz

    Alright everyone, grab a beer, gluhwein or other drink and sit down because it is pub quiz time! It's time for a very special RPUK Pub Quiz! There will be three rounds consisting of 20 questions. The first 5 questions of each round are music questions. You can sign up with a team of max. 6...
  6. Nalurah

    Report a Player - CI Tokjat - RDM

    Your In-game name Nalurah Orion Name of the player(s) you are reporting CI Tokjat Date of the incident 05/19/20 Time of the incident (GMT) 19 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Altis Life Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  7. Nalurah

    Report a Player - Ashle - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Your In-game name Nalurah Orion Name of the player(s) you are reporting Ashle Date of the incident 04/12/20 Time of the incident (GMT) 1530 What best describes this incident ? Poor/Low Quality RP Which server did the incident take place on Altis Life Please (in detail) describe the...
  8. Nalurah

    Unable to read chat

    I can't read the chat in game as the size of the window (it being that small makes it very fuzzy). I have been over what seems like every option in settings and went for advice to Join for Support. They told me to just put up a bug report. So here is my report. ...
  9. Nalurah

    Game crashes/screen goes to black

    Have had it a few times recently that my game randomly crashes with the screen just going to black. Can't do anything but force shut it down but I do still hear people ingame. I have no clue what could be causing it, anyone have any idea?
  10. Nalurah

    August Newsletter

    August Newsletter Published: 06/08/2019  Author: Nalurah   First and foremost I want to hand the mic to the newest members of the Community Team, mr KingGodDiabloZ, to introduce himself to all of you: Hello everyone!   For the people that don't know me yet; Hi! I'm KingGodDiabloZ, 19...
  11. Nalurah

    July Newsletter

      July Newsletter Published: 14/07/2019  Author: Nalurah   Welcome readers to the new RPUK newsletter! The newsletters will from now on be a regular part of our communication to you, the community. Every first of the month we will have a newsletter informing you on the things going on...
  12. Nalurah

    PCC - SGT Reiss [7588]

    Name of officer(s) involved (Please give their name, rank and collar number if known): SGT Reiss [7588] @ReissMate Time and date of incident: 26/06/2019 15:00/17:30 Description the incident and what happened in as much detail as possible: I was driving around on the main road near the airport...
  13. Nalurah

    My Time at Portia - For all the Stardew Valley lovers out there!

    Seriously, this game is like Stardew Valley had a threeway with Animal Crossing and Breath of the Wild and this is their love child (or wild orgy child). IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE!!! Definitely recommend!
  14. Nalurah

    A Christmas Challenge

    For many of you the Christmas Holiday has started, a busy time on the server as well. New players who come join us through the Steam Winter Sale and old players who have been part of the community for years intermingle. When I first became staff in the summer of 2017 my hope was that there...
  15. Nalurah

    Boargame Nights - Master Post

    Hello everyone, In the poll you find some options for Tabletop Simulator Mods that we can use for boardgame nights. If you have any other suggestions that are also Tabletop Mods feel free to post a comment! Feel free to sign up for whichever one you want but keep in mind that some can only...
  16. Nalurah

    Boardgame Nights!

    Hello everyone, This is a post to see who would be interested in some old fashioned boardgames through new fashioned means (Tabletop Simulator). Just some fun and friendly games or even small tournaments where everyone is invited. Let me know if you are interested and what night you would...
  17. Nalurah


    ECO server is up and running thanks to the management team (especially Ciaran!) IP: [UK/EU] ECO - roleplay.co.uk Official Server Roleplay story:   Captain’s Log 16-2-2567 Our mission to find an inhabitable planet is becoming dire. Danger surrounds us as we find ourselves further and...
  18. Nalurah

    New Server interest Poll.

    The RPUK team has some spare rooms on server boxes and one of the suggestions in adding a roleplay ECO server. ECO is a fun and challenging game which can be rather addicting. For the server we need a minimum of 20 dedicated people but more is of course also probable. Please let us know if...
  19. Nalurah

    Rust Server

    Hello everyone, Due to summer boredom I have decided to bring back my Rust server. Over the past few days I have tested it with a group of people to make sure everything is working for you guys! x5|Levels|Kits|Events|TP|Clans|Betterloot|Active Admins Feel free to join! IP...
  20. Nalurah

    Eco Global Survival

    Eco is an impressive game with a very well developed economy. Me and few others were thinking of playing this game and I can set up a small server for it if more people are interested. So let me know if you would like to join!   https://ecoauth.strangeloopgames.com/home