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  1. khalifa

    Un-ban Appeal - khalifattyyy - 12/02/19

    In-game Name Oroe Calendar Steam ID 76561198097820857 The date of your ban. 11/30/19 Member of the team that banned you. DELETER Reason given for your ban. 2.2 RDM The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was...
  2. khalifa

    Khalifa out

    Don't see any reason for me to stay around on RPUK, I might be around in ts but can't see myself actually playing on the server so this is my goodbye. Atleast for now. Im not gonna tag anyone, It would be to many tags. Im pretty sure you would know If I would of tagged you or not. In a bit...
  3. khalifa

    Report a Player - PC Jackovish [6888] - Other

    Your In-game name Massive dick Khalifa Name of the player(s) you are reporting PC Jackovich [6888] Date of the incident 19/11/18 Time of the incident (GMT) 20 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe...
  4. khalifa

    Khalifa - Leaving

    I've been on this community now for almost a year.. Been such a fun time, probably the best time i've had on my computer since I started playing WoW as a kid (24/7 Literally). I am not going to tag anyone because I would be tagging shit tons if so. Thank you UNMC for bringing me motivation to...
  5. khalifa

    Un-ban Appeal - K H A L I F A - 20/12/17 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Khalifarrty Steam ID 76561198097820857 The date of your ban. 20/12/17 Member of the team that banned you. James Reason given for your ban. RDM The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. It all started...
  6. khalifa


    delete lol
  7. khalifa

    Compensation Request - K H A L I F A (Refused)

    In-game Name: KhaliFATTY Steam ID: 76561198097820857 Date this happened: 09/09/2017 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Well, we were in a gunfight with the police force and the server started to desync so I decided to dip and a little bit after my it...
  8. khalifa

    Khalifa's Arrival post

    Felt like it was my turn to write an arrival text.  Yes, Im typing this after me being on the server for 7 months and maybe have earned myself a name. 7 months ago I bought Arma and the first thing I did was joining this server because of the roleplay at first me and my friend were lost in...
  9. khalifa

    Compensation Request - Khalifa (Completed)

    In-game Name: [A] KhaliFATTY Steam ID: 76561198097820857 Date this happened: 05/15/2017 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Died of desync the video shows it all. Link to any evidence: http://plays.tv/video/591999bd52338887f9/badluckkhalifa-comp-req-...
  10. khalifa

    stuck on Arma starting screen

    http://plays.tv/video/58dee00f89abe84dd5/- When I start my arma this is all that happends, anyone knows how to fix? Move to Tech Discussion. My bad.
  11. khalifa

    Compensation Request - Khalifa (Denied)

    In-game Name: Khalifa Steam ID: 76561198097820857 Date this happened: 02/09/2017 The Server this happened on.: Server 2 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was at dodgy daves when we thought for [LM] Jack to rob me with the 10 mil on me for a laugh, you know see the server reaction but...