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  1. Julie Cel

    Building PC - Need Recs/Insight

    First time PC builder looking for some helpful input. First and foremost I'm trying to decide on a processor. I'm really only interested in intel processors. I've considered: Intel i5 8400 - $189 intel i7 6700k - $358 intel i7 7700k - $326 intel i7 8700k - $374 Prices are similar and I...
  2. Julie Cel

    🔥**Same Girl - Mark Johns**🔥

  3. Julie Cel

    On and Off

    Hey guys :] So as like 2 people? know, I just graduated from University (In America... might mean something different elsewhere) and I have entered a really big transitional phase of my life. A lot of that transition will involve potato internet speeds (I hate my home town).  So what I'm...
  4. Julie Cel

    High Disk Usage

    Hey, So I keep having to restart my PC to temporarily fix this problem. Games I play are also often freezing and crashing because of it. That service host: Local system is using a lot of disk usage frequently. This problem occurred when I started using Ethernet instead of Wi-fi on my...
  5. Julie Cel

    Daddy Tadworth

    So I don't actually know @CC Joseph Tadworth personally, but I recently read his name a Dadworth which then turned into "Daddy Taddy" (My mind works in mysterious ways). I think this nickname fits him, especially since he's been taking care of our community so well, fixing stuff right as it goes...
  6. Julie Cel

    Cyberpunk 2077 ❤

    Hey Guys ! Some of you may already be aware of this vastly under-hyped upcoming game, but I want to share some info to get more gamers on the Cyberpunk train. CD Projekt Red - Developers of "The Witcher" series - Announced a couple of years ago that they are finishing up Geralt's story and...
  7. Julie Cel

    ❤ Illenium - Fractures ❤

  8. Julie Cel

    When I Finally Get PUBG Kills...

  9. Julie Cel

    us Americans on the 4th (worth the click :"])

  10. Julie Cel

    Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

    The magic happens at 5:29
  11. Julie Cel

    How to ward off rebels

    Don't Do It.
  12. Julie Cel

    Malden - Combat Patrol Group Tonight

    I'll be trying out the new Combat Patrol Mode on the new map - Malden tonight. More Info Here: https://arma3.com/dlc/malden So far the attendee list is just @Karnii and I but everyone feel free to join us ! We'll be in a public channel at the bottom of TS tonight around 9pm EST (my time) and...
  13. Julie Cel

    Islands - Rynn <3

  14. Julie Cel

    Un-Ban Apeals

    Can we start using this video to deny ban apeals? :"]
  15. Julie Cel

    Plugin DJ For RP Members

    &lt;LINK REMOVED&gt;  Come chill and share music. This is not an official RP.UK hosted site, nor does it represent RP.UK as an entity. - Edit: https://plug.dj/roleplayuk is our official plugin dj
  16. Julie Cel

    Take-two Cease and Desist Modding

    So since this is a thing affecting the GTA community... Should we be worried this will set an example for other game companies to follow suit? What are the chances we might see something like this from Bohemia?  I think we as a gaming community should be more active in this fight...
  17. Julie Cel

    DERP Kitties Thread

  18. Julie Cel

    Scottish Lilo & Stitch - Explicit

  19. Julie Cel

    SovietWomble - PUBG :o
