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  1. LastNickLeft

    Report a player - Madman and others - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: ACC LastNickLeft [9009] Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Madman and others Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 11/20/20 Time of the incident (GMT): 110 What best describes this incident ?: (6.1.3),(1.2)...
  2. LastNickLeft

    Dead Meme Outift

    Dead Meme Outift Which Arma 3 Classname is your texture for: U_C_Poloshirt_blue Explain your creation: Part of a new line of clothing targeted at the civilian population as requested by @Wilco. Can't go wrong with grey and green sandals to get yourself that sexy look you need at Kavala...
  3. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - Josh Ross, Xanny, - Other

    Your In-game name LastNickLeft Name of the player(s) you are reporting Josh Ross, Xanny, Date of the incident 04/02/20 Time of the incident (GMT) 534 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Altis Life Please (in detail) describe the...
  4. LastNickLeft

    I Am Speed

    I Am Speed Which Arma 3 Classname is your texture for: C_Hatchback_01_sport_F Explain your creation: Bright red racing hatchback sport for all the speeders! I am open to making changes based on popular feedback: Yes If successfully approved I confirm this texture will be exclusive...
  5. LastNickLeft

    TRI POLOSKY - Real man's clothing

    TRI POLOSKY - Real man's clothing Which Arma 3 Classname is your texture for: U_O_R_Gorka_01_F Explain your creation: TRI POLOSKY is the ultimate Slav clothing brand. Amazing fabric, quality and familiar stripes make it an amazing choice for squatting, listening to Hardbass in your LADA or...
  6. LastNickLeft

    Computer Keeps Freezing

    Hey, don't really write posts like this often but I'm really out of options here and I wasn't able to resolve the issue myself.  Over the last 2-3 weeks my computer have been freezing randomly, sometimes during a game and sometimes just while watching YouTube. I have not installed any new...
  7. LastNickLeft

    Compensation Request - LastNickLeft (refused)

    In-game Name: [TCK] LastNickLeft Steam ID: 76561198078752709 Date this happened: 10/08/2017 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was doing a weed run around 6 PM tonight, the server started lagging so I screenshotted my inventory. People started...
  8. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - Zephy Bonjela - Other (Action Taken)

    Your In-game name [TCK] LastNickLeft Name of the player(s) you are reporting Zephy Bonjela Date of the incident 09/25/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 2010 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the...
  9. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - [Lt] Prince and his mates - RDM (Report Actioned)

    Your In-game name Noah Ntiaton Name of the player(s) you are reporting [Lt] Prince and his mates Date of the incident 08/06/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 2130 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe...
  10. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - [AO] Odin, [AO] Twisted, [AO] Drood, leo - RDM (Action Taken 04/08/2017)

    Your In-game name [TCK] Noah Ntiaton Name of the player(s) you are reporting [AO] Odin, [AO] Twisted, [AO] Drood, leo Date of the incident 07/28/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 2210 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please...
  11. LastNickLeft

    Does size matter?

    Does size matter? You like it curved or straight? Today I want to talk about monitors  Trying to find a monitor that fits your needs can be quite difficult. This is why I need YOU!  What monitor do you use, what could you recommend? Thanks for your input :)!
  12. LastNickLeft

    Can't access my profile

    Can't access my forum profile, anytime I open it gives me EX0 Error, however, I can easily see profiles of other people. Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0 *Attempt to open my profile* *Any other profile*
  13. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - Jakob and his (Unknown) mate - RDM (Action Taken)

    Your In-game name PCSO LastNickLeft Name of the player(s) you are reporting Jakob and his (Unknown) mate Date of the incident 07/11/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 1910 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail)...
  14. LastNickLeft

    The Elder Scrolls Online - Looking for someone to play with

    Okay, I'm trying to play this game once again, going back to my Lvl. 28 character. If anyone would be so kind to reintroduce me to this game and maybe play with me for a bit :D
  15. LastNickLeft

    RPUK Logo missing from mobile version

    Title is self explanatory, I'm using Safari on iPhone 6 Plus. (iOS 10.2.1) and web logo is not appearing at all and blank object has wrong proportions.
  16. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - Uvuvwevwevwe Osas - RDM (Action Taken)

    Your In-game name SGT LastNickLeft [KV450] Name of the player(s) you are reporting Uvuvwevwevwe Osas Date of the incident 03/21/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 1832 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail)...
  17. LastNickLeft

    Love of my life ladies and gents

    I've finally completed my setup today and everything is ready to spend countless of hours with hobos on in Kavala (with some reasonable FPS) Behold the power CPU: Intel i7 6800K 3.4 GHz  CPU Cooler: Corsair CE Hydro Series H115i Liquid cooler  Motherboard: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon X99A RGB...
  18. LastNickLeft

    GR: Wildlands BETA [PS4]

    I'm looking for a few people who would like to go try out the new beta of Wildlands with me on PS4. I'm sure it can be a lot of fun with good squad. Hit me up here or add me on PSN - LastNickLeft.
  19. LastNickLeft

    Report a Player - Marty Lagina - Poor/Low Quality RP (Report Rejected)

    Your In-game name SPC LastNickLeft [KV450] Name of the player(s) you are reporting Marty Lagina Date of the incident 02/14/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 240 What best describes this incident ? Poor/Low Quality RP Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in...
  20. LastNickLeft

    Can't acces RP.uk on mobile network [3G/4G]

    Recently I'm having problem with one issue. When I'm trying to go on roleplay.co.uk on my mobile network I can't acces it. However this happens only in certain areas (in London). I've done a Speedtest and checked IP on the mobile network, tried both 3G, 4G and WiFi. I have never been banned on...