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  1. NotMattch

    Am out. Have fun!

    I'll keep it short and sweet, never been one for long drawn out posts. The time has come for me to move on, I've been here for almost 3 years now based on forum registration.  Been staff for 2 years out of those almost 3 so its been a good run.  Unfortunately, like many others, after near...
  2. NotMattch

    Milsim Piracy Campaign #1

    The beginning of our Milsim Campaign revolving around the Piracy theme that was selected is ready to set sail in the near future.  Our first mission will be of a small scale to begin with allowing us to establish ourselves a staging point as well as getting used to our new "purchases" that we've...
  3. NotMattch

    "Latest Topics" box gone for a walk

    In short - The "Latest Topic" box on the homepage doesn't exist at all anymore.  It's just gone?
  4. NotMattch

    "Latest Topics" not updating properly

    The "Latest Topics" section on the front page takes a while to update since the latest forum update.   Previously it was almost realtime but now I'm aware of at least 3 topics that were posted since the last entry in the Latest Topics section.
  5. NotMattch

    Milsim - An Update

    Quick update with regards to the simulation of military (milsim) : As per our last test everything went fairly smoothly and no major issues were identified or occurred - due to this we're happy to move forward with getting it fully involved and setup now with other things such as modded maps...
  6. NotMattch

    Milsim Stress Test #1

    Once again, taking all feedback onboard from previous 3 open tests we have a pretty good idea of where to go and what to with regards to scenarios and mods. The main issue we want to be 100% certain on is server performance.  Since the 1st test, we've got a hell of a lot more stable and aren't...
  7. NotMattch

    Milsim Open Test #3 Feedback

    All feedback here pls
  8. NotMattch

    Milsim Open Test Scenario #3

    Taking the feedback onboard from the last Milsim test and after doing work regarding the fairly major issue of not being able to re-join if you d/c or crash we believe that we've been able to resolve the issue.  However, another test to get the server properly loaded will be needed to ensure...
  9. NotMattch

    Milsim Perf Test 2 - Feedback

    Feedback in here pls!
  10. NotMattch

    Milsim Open Test Scenario #2

    After the success of the initial Milsim test run and the feedback provided, we've decided to run another test scenario to see how server performance has changed.  We've updated the performance values server side as well as modified the mission itself based on the feedback provided.   Providing...
  11. NotMattch

    Milsim Test 1 - Feedback

    Feedback in here pls!
  12. NotMattch

    ARMA 3 Sale

    Another ARMA sale has kicked off on steam as well https://store.steampowered.com/app/107410/Arma_3/ Great chance to grab all the DLCS 
  13. NotMattch

    Milsim - Open Test Scenario

    A small group of the staff team have been working on rebooting the old milsim community and we're finally somewhat ready to see how much interest there still is after our original discussions. To do this we are planning on running an Open scenario to see what kind of response and how much...
  14. NotMattch

    Steam Summer Sale 21st - 5th

    It's here bois  https://store.steampowered.com/
  15. NotMattch

    Server Page Formatting

    Still happening @Miiiikkel
  16. NotMattch

    NHS Application Form - ALUK Still

    https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forms/6-altis-nhs-application/ Steam ID section still has a hint to go to "ALUK Stats" directing you to http://stats.altislife.co.uk/index.php which no longer resolves to anything
  17. NotMattch

    Destiny 2 Clan

    For anyone who's picked up Destiny 2 and wants to get involved with the RPUK Clan Vladic and Myself have got one setup at: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2779947 Just request to join and post here with your battle.net name and we'll get you accepted asap!  Be sure to pick up...
  18. NotMattch

    Steam Profile Box Format

    Anyone who has a steam account linked has a bullet point placed above the steam info box on their forum posts left side bar (See image). If you don't have a steam acc linked it doesn't appear
  19. NotMattch

    Server Page Format

    Server page format is broken (see image) and the times for Server 2 have the copy/paste background
  20. NotMattch

    Viewing Users Rep leads to EX0 error

    Checking a users Rep leads to an EX0 Error message be it my own profile or others: My rep link - https://www.roleplay.co.uk/profile/38317-mattch/reputation/ Error: