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  1. Jeff South

    Best way to buy Contact DLC

    (Firstly i own all the other DLC's so dont know if it will work if that isnt the case!) Instead of buying the Arma 3 contact DLC for £19.79 (Current sale price) Buy The Arma 3 Ultimate edition which contains all DLC's is £14.84 Saving you £4.95 😮
  2. Jeff South

    Steam Summer Sale

    In case you weren't aware of this, the steam summer sale is now on. And the grand prix thing which allows you to get some more steam profile levels! Enjoy!
  3. Jeff South

    Battlefield 1

    i know BFV is announced but if you still want to play BF1 and haven't then its only £4.37 on origin Also, the premium pass is free as well as all the included DLC's which are also free on origin Enjoy!
  4. Jeff South

    Euro Truck Simulator 2

    Just interested into seeing who else plays? And if you have the multiplayer mod we can do a 'convoy'
  5. Jeff South

    PC Resolution

    Never mind I managed to fix it by reinstalling drivers 
  6. Jeff South

    Case Fans

    So i have got all the parts for my PC pretty much, all i need now are some case Fans! A little bit of info: My Case has 2 120mm fans included (1 at front and 1 at the back) Prefer to have quiet fans  I would prefer the fans to be relatively cheap but i would want good quality ones...
  7. Jeff South

    New PC

    After years (4 years to be exact) of using my laptop for gaming, i finally decided to get my first gaming PC! It's not the best Gaming PC ever, however, its deffo an upgrade from my current meme blaster! Specs: i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor be quiet! - Pure Rock Slim 35.1 CFM CPU...
  8. Jeff South

    Free Star Wars battlefront season pass

  9. Jeff South

    £700 or Less PC

    Need a new PC, budget of £700 or under 1.What brand do you prefer for CPU? Intel/AMD? Dont Really Mind 2.What brand do you prefer for GPU? Nvidia 3.Where are you going to put the computer? On my desk 4.Would you like it to be silent or you don't care? Dont care 5.What monitor do you have...
  10. Jeff South

    Looking for a new PC

    My current PC is very outdated now so im looking for a new one i have a budget of around £1000 and want to play games like arma 3, BF4, PUBG and stuff like that, any recommendations are welcome :)
  11. Jeff South

    The Respec' Points thingy

    Ive always wondered what the Respec button does on the skills/ Points menu. When you click on the button it says 'In doing this you will lose 33% of your points' or something like that. 😀
  12. Jeff South

    Report a Player - Light Salad & Steven Davison - VDM (Rejected)

    Your In-game name CST Jeff South Name of the player(s) you are reporting Light Salad & Steven Davison Date of the incident 01/21/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 1541 What best describes this incident ? VDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 2 Please (in detail)...
  13. Jeff South

    Report a Player - [S.S] Anders Eklund - RDM (Action Taken)

    Your In-game name SGT Jeff South [PY407] Name of the player(s) you are reporting [S.S] Anders Eklund Date of the incident 01/12/2017 Time of the incident (GMT) 1757 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail)...
  14. Jeff South

    10/10 Joke 2016

    What did the cowboy say when he arrived at the german car showroom? Answer - Audi
  15. Jeff South

    Jeff South's Arrival

    This is totally not a late arrival post, but i thought i might as well post it anyway. Many of you might know me as i am part of the NHS - DR. Jeff South SMTO or as Police - PC Jeff South I've had a lot of great roleplay moments as both factions and hope to meet a lot more of you in the future!
  16. Jeff South

    Compensation Request - Jeff South

    In-game Name: Jeff South Steam ID: 76561198180271567 Date this happened: 21/10/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and Bacon were doing a NPAS Patrol, i had to go eat so i went off for a bit. When i came back i joined the server ready to do a...
  17. Jeff South

    Can't hear whispers

    For some reason I cannot hear people whisper however they can hear me whisper? Any help is appreciated 
  18. Jeff South

    Arma 3 Mission File

    When i try and join the server the mission gets to about 50-75% downloaded then kicks me off the game for the reason of 'Connection with host has been lost' Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Jeff South

    Report a Player - Crazed Gunman - RDM

    Your In-game name Jeff South Name of the player(s) you are reporting Crazed Gunman Date of the incident 05/06/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 1500 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 2 Please (in detail) describe the incident I...