Server: GTA RP
Character Name: i dont know
Steam ID: 76561197973124967
Ban ID (just the numbers): 13341
Ban Reason: PEGI
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned by letting my teenage cousin play on the Server i couldn't find it in rules i though if i was present as a Guardian it...
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 2
In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
i was...
In-game Name: Dahaka
Steam ID: 76561197990992295
Date this happened: 12/06/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: as you can see in the screenshot my friend just arrived at the dealer trying to sell all his processed weed and the server crashed at...
In-game Name: Karnal
Steam ID:
Date this happened: 12/06/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: i had sold my weed and was role playing and all of a sudden server crashed as i logged back in i just had 140k while 240k was lost due to the crash
In-game Name: Karnal
Steam ID: 76561197973124967
Date this happened: 12/04/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: the server just crashed again just as i had finished my weed run was just about to deposit the money to bank and it ofc crashed as i...
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Farmer Giles
Reason given for your ban.
The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
i was banned...