Not quite sure if here is any osrs players but just wanted to share my PK vid I made a while ago. I don't really have time to play nowadays since I'm currently at army and I'm not at home that much.
I've almost reached 2 year milestone here I can't say I haven't enjoyed my time in here. to be honest things aint even close to as good as things used to be in here. My leaving is due reason that I can't change as quick as this server is.
this time my departure will be most likely be...
Your In-game name
SPC Dr4m4 L4m4
Name of the player(s) you are reporting
Date of the incident
Time of the incident (GMT)
What best describes this incident ?
Which server did the incident take place on
Server 1
Please (in detail) describe the incident...
I'm looking forward to get some answers I would like to give big thanks already!
First priority is to get new mic so I would like to know the best mic (desk mic) for the best price compared to quality.
Second thing is I would also have new headphones since I don't no longer need headset mic...
Is there anyone who's willing to help me to make decent doc thing for business purposes just it's easy to add information and search it like typing date when something happened etc?
It's been very long time since I reached my 500th post I've tried to relog multiple times still not working and also posted this issue to "Missing award" Thread but I haven't got any answer that is this problem going forward getting resolved or is it just going to get ignored
So basically there is 10 youtubers I believe and they will put them to old hospital and they have to solve puzzles etc to survive what makes this interesting is that there is also some zombies! I recommend you guys to check this out!
I'm not really sure how I should start but I'd like to thank everyone who part of this great community but sadly it is my time to leave this behind of me. I don't really care who did make fun of me because of my accent or anything I have a lot of people who I'd like to tag. This time in here was...
Currently I'm a proud owner of 20 euros thurstmaster joystick and to be honest It's became pretty shit so I'm looking to buy a new one for a reasonable price so if we have someone who knows something about joysticks where to get and is it good or nah.
Thank you!
Hello People on, I've changed my name today so a lot of people here know me as Drama Lama but I will be Juice now on and in a same time I'm gonna share something :)
In 2015 at some point I noticed my brother @Riku was playing game called Arma 3 I never really knew about that game...