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  1. Drew

    Usual Drew | Roleplay Video's | Buk Ling - Clyde, Frank & More

    UsualDrew - Twitch.Tv / YouTube - Episode 1 :
  2. Drew

    Potential PC Build - Help ?

    Gonna Cost me £2532 which is sound as my max is £2500 Any problems with this or any drastic changes or something I should be aware of? also don't tell me to build it myself I can just about make toast 
  3. Drew

    Billy Stevens + Whong Cheng

    Well.. I just finished a 12 hour shift and thought, fuck it i'll come on and do some Buk Ling Ping taxi RP. Night started off with a phone call from Mr Chinese man Whong Cheng saying he own's the taxi company and wanted to know who I was.... Now, everyone who know's Buk Ling Ping in RP...
  4. Drew

    Staff Recruitment / News - February 2021

      Hello 👋 I'd like to start this off before we go any further, we would like to welcome @Gordonto our team as a new Staff Lead! This meaning @Matthas sadly parted ways with us. Once again we would like to thank him for his time and work here and good luck to you and your family! Gordon will...
  5. Drew

    Drew The Milk Man

    Tonight's stream was amazing hahahaa, massive thank you to these legends @Maverick Delta @Robbie @Nikolai Belski@YeetQual @Warwick@Louis Richardson@CheekyFingerGamingHD @Yello@Gray@ConnorTheGreattand everyone who stayed to chill and chat was a blast tonight hahahahahah Enjoy this clip had to...
  6. Drew

    Amoung us Tonight 21:00 ?

    Going to be streaming Among Us tonight if I get enough people who want to take part,  Let me know soon as  1 .@Pavlic 2. @Jolly 3. @George Harris 4. @Robbie 5. @Simen 6. @Harii 7. @TikTak 8. @Nikolai Belski 9. @L12Mason
  7. Drew

    Microphone Recommendations ?

    Currently using the Hyper Cloud X ll for a headset / microphone in game. Watching back clips on stream can hear myself breathing a lot and it's annoying, any decent USB Microphones, that just work straight off the back don't have to mess around with settings / sensitivity too much ? prob...
  8. Drew

    Drew the weapons dealer

  9. Drew

    Melee Weapons

    You can go into AmmuNation and buy all the melee weapons and you will have them on your Weapon Wheel but not your F3 Inventory, meaning when you relog you lose them
  10. Drew

    The Ket Wigs

    @Antonio Garcia @L12Mason @Mick surf
  11. Drew

    A night at Drew's...

    @Robbie + @Charles Vane
  12. Drew

    ID shown next to voice level

    Brief Summary:  Currently OOC is being spammed all the time for people trying to get their ID, place it next to the voice level  Detailed Suggestion: Rather than using other methods like pressing F5 and finding their name for example, people just use the OCC and spam it constantly, (being...
  13. Drew

    Loading page - Stats (Low Priority)

    Would be a nice addition to the loading page when first joining, just a screen filled with a couple of statistics, I know a lot of people like these kind of things, however is a low priority  Few Ideas of stats, Most - Online -Jailed (with times) -Killed (with amount) -Tweets  -Casino...
  14. Drew

    Casino - Take money but get no cards

    I've found myself comping a couple of times on people who join the table and put a bet down and don't get cards handed to them but money taken.  Noticed myself it might be when you do it too late, or someone joins the table can't see the countdown and bets right away. Happened to me a fair few...
  15. Drew

    Stavik's - OutOfStockShop

    Got a little carried away the other day.... (warning might be loud) https://clips.twitch.tv/ObservantBetterHamburgerPlanking    
  16. Drew

    Drew Need's you! - Vote Lewis Poland plz!

    Need a massive favour from all the RPUK community members!  A family member is an up coming DJ trying to get his name out there and is DJ'ing in town every now and then. There is currently a poll on Facebook Events that are giving him the chance to play at this big event! If people wouldn't...
  17. Drew

    Q&A - Ask me anything (for video)

    Okay, So you've prob seen my last post about trying to get into the vlog scene on YouTube, mainly for when I travel places. More than likely will take me a while to get into it or sort it all out so going to start with a Q&A video. Ask me anything, bare in mind I may not answer every...
  18. Drew


    Quite interested to see. I've always wanted to start vlogging when I go on holiday or just in general, it's something I've wanted to do for a while but seem to get a bit nervous for some strange reason. Wondering if anyone here from RPUK does any type of Vlogs? Looking on saving to buy this...
  19. Drew

    How people react to VDM

    This video gets me everytime hahahahah
  20. Drew

    Christmas Steam Gift Card Giveaway

    Steam Gift Card Christmas Giveaway! Giveaway ends 25th December! Christmas is around the corner and I'm feeling generous! Let's be honest, Christmas is the time to be spending with family and friend's and getting absolutely of your face, but we all know there will be a lot of people here...