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  1. Willis

    Report a player - Reece Dunn & Southside - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Willis White Reported Players: Reece Dunn & Southside Date: Jan 20, 2025 Time: 00:10 What best describes this incident: (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) + (C2.2) Exploiting Please (in detail) describe the incident: Around midnight, a mass gunfight broke out at...
  2. Willis

    Just Let Us Drink the Milk!

    Brief Summary: Make milk drinkable! Detailed Suggestion: Allow players to put their soft lips around the hard rim to take the pure white creamy liquid down their throats The Pros: A proper use for all that creamy goodness! Boosts immersion because who doesnt enjoy a good glass of thick...
  3. Willis

    A Chance of Death

    Brief Summary: A small chance to quickly bleed out and die when severely wounded. Detailed Suggestion: Many players have noticed a rise in the frequency of gunfights, and the overall value of preserving life has significantly dropped on the server. This suggestion aims to address this issue...
  4. Willis

    Report a player - 984 & 985 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Willis White Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 984 & 985 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 09/16/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 30 What best describes this incident ?: G1.2, G4.5...
  5. Willis

    Dog no longer locks on.

    Steam ID: 76561198077419226 Character ID: 684 When did this happen: 11/05/23 Summary: Dog no longer locks on. Full Description: To attack a player, a dog handler with a dog would point their weapon at them and press their assigned key (G default). This would set their dog on that player...
  6. Willis

    Ferry Boat

    Brief Summary: Add a Ferry Boat to the island: Script: https://rebsdesigns.com/products/ferry-boat-and-script Detailed Suggestion: By adding a ferry available for any civilian to buy,  Cayo Perico will be connected to the island more than ever. This script allows for vehicles to be put on...
  7. Willis

    Weapons on back

    Brief Summary: Large weapons and firearms are shown on the players back. Detailed Suggestion: It's a worrying time when someone pulls a musket out from who knows where, but no longer would that be an issue having the ability for large weapons equipped on the weapon wheel to show on a players...
  8. Willis

    Unban Appeal - Willis - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Willis  In-game Name: Willis White Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198077419226 Ban ID: rpuk#3620 Reason given for your ban: (C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or...
  9. Willis

    Change locals cars back to being mostly locked

    Brief Summary: Once again make it that most of the NPCs vehicles are locked and unable to be straight out stolen.  Detailed Suggestion: At one of the early stages of the servers development we had it so that the locals driving around and the vehicles parked up where locked up, so they...
  10. Willis

    FIVEM VIP EVENT - 4th MAY 2020 - 20:00 BST

    FIVEM VIP EVENT MONDAY 4TH MAY 2020 20:00  BST   The event will be held at a set date composing of two phases.  An individual will be the chosen VIP for the duration of the event. Roles to be filled Celebrity 1._________ Personal Protection 1. Makenzie 2. _________ 3._________...
  11. Willis

    Farming in GTA V

    I found this the other day,   https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/farming-project-mod     I'm so sorry.
  12. Willis

    Contender Rear Roof

      Is there any chance of adding the rear roof on the Contender as an option to add in the Los Santos Customs?       Thank you Much Love  
  13. Willis

    Incoming calls continuing when bleeding out

    Any incoming calls continue ringing when you've been downed stopping you from using the respawn and distress call options. This call continues even if the one making the call hangs up. Catchy tune tho.
  14. Willis

    Rockstar GTA V Sale

    For anyone looking to join the upcoming RPUK FiveM server and do not yet have the base game, Rockstar Games have put up a sale this weekend on Steam. GTA V has 50% off so best getting the offer while you can. https://store.steampowered.com/sale/rockstarsale2020 There are quite a few other...