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  1. W

    Un-ban Appeal - W1NTER_SOLD1ER (Timed Out)

    In-game Name Gabriel St. Nathan Steam ID 76561198203909644 The date of your ban. 12/11/2015 Member of the team that banned you. ArrogantBread Reason given for your ban. VDM The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned...
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    Compensation Request - W1NTER_SOLD1ER

    In-game Name: Gabriele St. Nathan Steam ID: 76561198203909648 Date this happened: 12/10/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was walking when PC Ellis randomly jumped out of his police car, tazed me, restrained me and then when he uncuffed me he...
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    RDM By Player: SOE_TOELA

    I Was RDM by SOE_TOELA  I Was in Kavala and got in there car when they locked me in and drove me to the beach and executed me... I lost £1000 I have video evidence
  4. W


    reply to my reauest of unban ...
  5. W

    W1NTER_SOLD1ER (Unbanned 17/03/15)

    In game name : W1NTER_SOLD1ER Steam Name: W1NTER_SOLD1ER Player ID: 76561198203909644 I was online a few hours ago playing and after coming across an issue of connecticity which seems to bring the server down as it disolays a message in the centre of screen in red text saying somehing like "...