In-game Name
Gabriel St. Nathan
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned...
In-game Name: Gabriele St. Nathan
Steam ID: 76561198203909648
Date this happened: 12/10/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was walking when PC Ellis randomly jumped out of his police car, tazed me, restrained me and then when he uncuffed me he...
I Was RDM by SOE_TOELA I Was in Kavala and got in there car when they locked me in and drove me to the beach and executed me... I lost £1000
I have video evidence
In game name : W1NTER_SOLD1ER
Steam Name: W1NTER_SOLD1ER
Player ID: 76561198203909644
I was online a few hours ago playing and after coming across an issue of connecticity which seems to bring the server down as it disolays a message in the centre of screen in red text saying somehing like "...