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  1. Ram

    Report a player - Kyle Heath - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Your Character Name: Pablo Smith Reported Players: Kyle Heath Date: Jan 26, 2025 Time: 21:30 What best describes this incident: Combat logging Please (in detail) describe the incident: Kyle Heath decided to go on a scamming spree, which my character Pablo had to take...
  2. Ram

    Compensation Request - Ram - GTA RP

    Character Name: Pablo Smith Character ID: 21356 Steam ID: 76561198059085018 Game: GTA RP Date: Dec 22, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Padrinos robbed the bank and while trying to break open the safe we ran into a bug that made the drill get stuck. we couldn’t cool it down or take it out...
  3. Ram

    Report a player - Unknown coalition - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Pablo Smith Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown coalition Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 11/09/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 00:40 What best describes this incident ?: RDM +...
  4. Ram

    Staff Team Applications 01/06/2017

    With recent events we are now looking to hire new members into the Staff Team Take a few moments to read through a few of our terms and conditions to make sure you are eligible to apply.   You must be at least 18 years old. [Exceptions may be made for mature community members that may not...
  5. Ram

    Tomb Raider

    all Tomb Raider games are on sale 50-70%, i would highly recommend trying them.
  6. Ram

    Best steam sale ever

    1% http://store.steampowered.com/app/522570/
  7. Ram

    GTA 5

    anyone up to do some heists in gta 5>?
  8. Ram

    Report a Player - [BEIGE] stohpoardye pc - Other

    Your In-game name Ram Name of the player(s) you are reporting [BEIGE] stohpoardye pc Date of the incident 05/06/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 1800 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  9. Ram

    Compensation Request - Ram

    In-game Name: DSGT Ram Steam ID: 76561198059085018 Date this happened: 03/10/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 2 Please provide full detail and evidence: Hacker removed all of my licenses and my money Link to any evidence...
  10. Ram

    Report a Player - William Tuefel - Other

    Your In-game name DSGT Ram Name of the player(s) you are reporting William Tuefel Date of the incident 01/31/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 45 What best describes this incident ? Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 2 Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  11. Ram

    Report a Player - Jesper - RDM

    Your In-game name [TI] Ram Name of the player(s) you are reporting Jesper Date of the incident 11/23/2015 Time of the incident (GMT) 03:00 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident As you can...
  12. Ram

    Report a Player - Lorenzo Ceaston - Glitcher

    Your In-game name [TI] Ram Name of the player(s) you are reporting Lorenzo Ceaston Date of the incident 11/13/2015 Time of the incident (GMT) 928 What best describes this incident ? Glitcher Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  13. Ram

    Harry VDM

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Harry   Time & Date this happened: 31/10/2015  10-11 am   Which Server did this happen on:  #1    Description of what happened: We got robbed, and then this guy decided to vdm us multiple times   What Rule Was Broken ?: 3A) VDM - Vehicle...
  14. Ram

    Un-ban Appeal - Ram (Unbanned)

    Dear Admins  Ram has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: SGT Ram Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198059085018 Your GUID or Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49409645 Date & Time you was banned:: 29/8/2015 early in the morning Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers)...
  15. Ram

    UnBan Appeal (No response)

    Your In-game name: [bF] KillerPriest Your Steam Profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059085018/ Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  7b04279484055196eb91a8cdbbc39f86 Date & Time you was banned: 1142015 -  Please copy and paste the rule you...