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  1. Haywire

    Compensation Request - Haywire - Malden Life

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Haywire Game: Malden Life Steam ID: 76561198122369472 The date when this happened: 07/20/21 Please provide full detail and evidence: We invested in and embarked on a uranium run. When we reached the processor, we were unable to interact with it due to a...
  2. Haywire

    $400 laptop suggestions

    I have a friend in the land of the free who has $400 to spend on a laptop We want it to be able to run Minecraft at 60fps. Being able to run some other slightly more demanding games, like CSGO and phasmophobia, even at 30 fps, would be amazing. I don't know much about laptops, especially on...
  3. Haywire

    Haywire's NEW build - The Compensator

    5 years ago I came to this forum as a 15 year old wanting to build a PC. You guys gave me advice and I built a system that lasted 5 years (and is still working fine today!). You can see that thread here. That build is for sale btw if anyone's interested 😉 5 years later, today, I have a new...
  4. Haywire

    Is this laptop any good?

    Hi all - looking to buy a laptop for business purposes. I need it to be efficient at: - General use - Word processing / some adobe software (not video processing) - Conference calls / Zoom etc It won't be used for gaming and doesn't need to be state of the art high end. Looking at the quote...
  5. Haywire

    Spongebob Musical

    A friend and I watched this gem together recently. I had to share its wholesomeness with the world...
  6. Haywire

    Report a Player - McCarthy - Poor/Low Quality RP

    Your In-game name Haywire Name of the player(s) you are reporting McCarthy Date of the incident 12/13/00 Time of the incident (GMT) 100 What best describes this incident ? Poor/Low Quality RP Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the...
  7. Haywire

    Help! Infinite restart loop after Windows Update

    My PC is stuck in an infinite restart loop after updating windows. It has been restarting all night. My BIOS screen comes up, it then says "attempting to recover failed installation" followed by "undoing changes made to your computer". It then restarts. My motherboard is from MSI and the...
  8. Haywire

    Compensation Request - Haywire

    In-game Name: Haywire Steam ID: 76561198122369466 Date this happened: 12/09/19 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Fell victim to the notorious "trunk in use" bug. I finished processing my high-grade weed but the bug occurred at the trader. In the...
  9. Haywire

    Compensation Request - Haywire

    In-game Name: Haywire Steam ID: 76561198122369466 Date this happened: 12/04/19 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I got RDM'd and the attending medic was also RDM'd. I believe Nalurah banned the player at the time, otherwise, the medic said he would...
  10. Haywire

    Report a Player - Kebabsi - RDM

    Your In-game name Haywire Name of the player(s) you are reporting Kebabsi Date of the incident 11/29/19 Time of the incident (GMT) 1815 What best describes this incident ? RDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident A friend and...
  11. Haywire


    A tragedy Right I've been through so many headphones and so many posts on here looking for my next pair In September of 2018 I bought a pair of Philips Fidelio X2 for £150 hoping they would last me a long time. I now can't find a new pair for less than £200. In a desperate attempt to...
  12. Haywire

    Important Update (...on my giveaway)

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: My apologies to those who are still owed money from my last giveaway. I do very much plan to pay my debts. The following people have contacted me but I have yet to pay them: Faheem Charles Vane Naylor Dean Molay Bob Wilkinson...
  13. Haywire

    CIV 5 Players

    Hey all, A couple of friends and I are looking for some people to play CIV 5 with. It's super fun, we'll usually play for a few hours at a time. Add me on steam or discord if you'd like to join! Steam:  https://steamcommunity.com/id/hatchingdraggon/ Discord: Haywire#5745
  14. Haywire


    I've been trying to keep my current knackered old chair alive for many months but I can tell it's soon going to give in and my back is in need of something new. Does anyone have any quality chairs under £200 they can recommend? Comfiness, being large enough for tall people and lockable wheels...
  15. Haywire

    Where to watch Game of Thrones (UK)?

    Anyone know where I can watch Game of Thrones (at least season 1-6) online in the UK? I don't want to pirate it, but I also don't want to buy the box sets for £20+ each. So if anyone knows any reliable streaming sites that would be useful, thanks 🙂
  16. Haywire

    Logitech G29 Wheel not working

    I was in York yesterday when I saw the logitech G29 + pedals looking at me through the window of CEX, "buy me" it whispered. Of course, it doesn't seem to work properly. The pedals are fine and the buttons on the wheel all work, but the actual steering axis just does not work. I can't even...
  17. Haywire

    Compensation Request - Haywire (Completed)

    In-game Name: [O] Haywire Steam ID: 76561198122369466 Date this happened: 20/07/18 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Months ago, I bought a small dome in what has recently become the Poseidon Base. The dome was disabled because of this, and I have...
  18. Haywire

    Layers of Fear #FREE

    Free for a limited time, looks good! https://store.steampowered.com/app/391720/Layers_of_Fear/
  19. Haywire

    Compensation Request - Haywire(Refused)

    In-game Name: [IB] Rct. Haywire Steam ID: 76561198122369466 Date this happened: 27/03/18 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: A day after the farming update I purchased one of the few barns that were still available, it was east of the sand mine and I...
  20. Haywire

    "Put your hands up or I'll knock you out"

    I've noticed people saying, "Do this thing or I'll knock you out" rather than threatening their life, which I imagine they are doing to avoid full-on initiation. The issue with this is that it gives the person initiating quite a lot of power as the victim can be knocked out and restrained before...