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  1. Simen

    Tram Weirdness

    Love the addition of the new trams (if they are new). But they seem to be quite deadly sometimes. You`d get thrown off it sometimes, or it would meet another tram on the same tracks and go through it, but one self, as in the player, would not go through the other tram, and would then end up...
  2. Simen

    Lost MC Blood Drive & Afterparty 01/05/2021

    The Lost Motorcycle Club Presents Blood Drive Give Blood                    Give Life  Saturday 01/05/2021 21:30 BST Show of your best looking bike and give something back by attending the blood drive this saturday. We will drive as one big group together to the drop off point and then...
  3. Simen

    First & Last Screenshot showcase

    So, I`ve clearly been here way to long, I joined the arma 3 ALUK server a whole 6years ago. I spent some timing digging through my steam screenshots and found my oldest arma 3 screenshot. Its a not a funny one, but whats inside that screenshot is what made me stay. I had spent all my money on...
  4. Simen

    Taxi - NPC Tasks

    Spent 30minutes trying out the taxi job. After 30minutes I had recieved a total 6 jobs and 3 of them were cancelled straight away as the client was unconscious. The pay could probbly be improved aswell, after 3 succesful jobs (roughly 15-20minutes) I was paid 6500. Compared to a mechanic: 3...
  5. Simen

    Entering house bugs vehicle parked outside

    When I exit my house (#177) and attempt to unlock my car that i`ve parked outside, it says its unlocked, but when I try to enter, I get the message that states its locked and im thus unable to enter my car. This has happened 3 times now, out of the 6times ive used my house in the past week...
  6. Simen

    Forum - Poop Emoji

    Recently ive had a strong urge to react to some things with a poop emoji. Can we get this on the forums? Thanks @adaco
  7. Simen

    Character Mixup. All owned vehicles disapeared

    So, at the start of last nights purge, The server kicked a few people off (if not everyone) then, when I rejoined, my main character (Jeffery Johnson) was gone from the character selection screen. When I then chose my second character (Michael Hammond) to load. It loads up Jeffery Johnson (Lost...
  8. Simen

    New Casino Building and possible ownership.

    Brief Summary: Casino too big, too luxurious. Make casino smaller and cheaper. Detailed Suggestion: I think the casino is too big, grand and luxurious for the amount people that goes inside it. Id prefer if it was made smaller and that it looked slightly "dirtier"(underground casino style?)...
  9. Simen

    Skaterboy when vdm'ed

    Just like Denti reported a month ago I got VDM'ed earlier and I instantly spawned in as skater boy. I should have died in the crash, but instead I got replaced with skater boy without loosing anything. Simple relog fixed me. Didnt get a F8 screenshot..
  10. Simen


    Holding "E" as you die seems to insta respawn you and skips the 5(?) Min timer. For example, use horn for a bit, die whilst still using horn. Instantly go to hospital and loose all stuff..
  11. Simen

    Lost MC Fight Night Tournament - 25/07/2020 21:00

    Lost MC Fight Night Tournament Saturday 25/07/2020 21:00 BST Did ya enjoy last Fight Night? Perhaps you didn't get to attend? Well either way, great news! Saturday the 25th, the Lost Motorcycle Club are hosting another Fight night. Only this time, its a tournament. There will be drinks and...
  12. Simen

    Furniture Outside Owned Houses

    As me and a few other Lost members and friends have moved into a neighbourhood together, it made realise how empty it is outside some houses. Add a "Place furniture outside House" option when you stand outside the front door. This option would allow you to place furniture outside your house...
  13. Simen

    Caps lock menu issue for Bikes

    Caps lock menu does not work when your close (but not next to) a bike Adding a gif that demonstrates it. In the video im trying to use the caps lock menu when im standing still. (Next to vehicle, close to it, further away). https://gyazo.com/7ebb209bc3ddd2fce2d6be29a807ed52  
  14. Simen

    Viewing Furniture issues.

    When viewing furniture at Home Depo the sofa (P_Sofa_S) doesnt load up, instead I recieve a flashing screen and a message saying contact development. It is the second item in the Sofa category. https://gyazo.com/c4e786a098238a128bedddbee8a07e2b   In the Bathroom section, Sink 2...
  15. Simen

    Lost MC Fight Club - Saturday 11/07/20 20:30PM

    Lost MC Fight Club Saturday 11/07/2020 20:30 BST Do you think yer one of the better fighters in Los Santos? Or maybe yer a crazy gambler? Either way, show up with a heavy wallet. There will be drinks, drugs and entertainment. For the sake of avoiding starvation during the fights, we...
  16. Simen

    Lost MC Bike disapear after police impound

    Im unable to find after Fluqi impounded my Lost MC LCC Sanctus via the new police impound two days ago(late night). I have checked Upper and Lower Legion Sqaure garage, Impound, Impound Garage, Lost MC Garage and Vinewood Garage, I even got Fluqi to check his Police Garage incase it somehow got...
  17. Simen

    Lost MC Blood Drive - Friday 05/06/20 1900 BST

    Lost MC Blood Drive Friday 05/06/2020 19:00 BST Show of your best looking bike and give something back by attending the blood drive on Friday. We will drive as one big group together to the drop off point, and after that, we'll have a good ol fashioned party. (Did I mention free drinks at...
  18. Simen

    Drag Repair kit

    When attempting to use the repair kit, it doesnt look like its being dragged when in fact it actually is. https://gyazo.com/bd560fa62ad6b6cac5ba7f3128266647
  19. Simen

    NPC Impound Job

    https://gyazo.com/2eb038134a9c5e7d0b5c59dd5a3e3e1e Got this when I tried to impoud a npc vehicle from a impound NPC job
  20. Simen

    No Mans Sky

    It recently got a farily large update and has gotten alot of praise by other people and media. If anyone has it, or is looking at buying it, I wouldnt mind playing in a group.