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  1. Walt

    Goodbye #2

    Hello everyone, hope you are all well and having a mental time, I know I certainly am.  I shall keep this short and sweet. I left for a few months, and I returned. It was certainly the recharge I needed, but now I'm afraid I must go again. I do intend for my departure to be more permanent this...
  2. Walt

    So long, fairwell

    Hi everyone, This is something that I don't take much joy in writing, but something I feel is rather overdue...I've had a fantastic time here, and can honestly say I've met some awesome people who I'll hopefully be able to keep in touch with moving on from this, but for now I'm afraid my time...
  3. Walt

    Unban Appeal on Behalf of DI Matt (Unbanned)

    This is a Forum Unban Appeal posted on behalf of DI Matt. I'm well aware this is in the wrong section but I am unable to post it in the Unban Appeal Unban appeal on behalf of DI Matt Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this appeal. Earlier today my Forum Account was Permanently...
  4. Walt

    Unable to add YouTube video

    As you can see from the image. I am unable to add a YouTube video as the required tab isn't there. Any help is appreciated
  5. Walt

    Chirven + Idler (Action: Bans Issued 13/11/2014)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Chirven | Idler   Time & Date this happened: 20:45 GMT   Description of what happened: Chirven and Idler were successfully stopped and detained by myself (DSGT Walt) and other Paros Officers. Whilst dealing with them, due to their crimes...
  6. Walt

    VDM'd....No name, No proof

    First off, apologies for how vague this is, I am aware that this request is likely going to result in no compensation but I feel I must try. In-game name: Walt Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198053402287   What was lost:  Aviators, Diving Suit, Carryall bag, Press Vest...